Cornerstone ConsultingLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Cornerstone Consulting

Cornerstone Consulting has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 132 designs from 26 different designers from around the world.










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Nice color selection. Is there any way to increase the presence on entry #4? I really like the "o" in stone. Thoughts include increasing the size of Consulting, bolding Corner a bit, adding a graphic, perhaps using the O concept. I like the strength of the font and use of case in #3. Is there another font that is a little rounder (the r, e and s) and more flowing than that in #3? Thanks!
14 years ago
Hello OQ, Thank you for your new designs! I especially like the new "0" in #36. In fact, I am wondering if you would please send another modification of # 36. I will use the winning logo as the bais for a website design. It will also be used extensively on my business cards (which are very small 3.5 X 2 inches) and the header on computer documents. I really like # 36 as the basis for the logo. Although I like your new images, I think the font and boldness with your new "o" are strong enough without the image. And, i like your color selection and wondered if you are able to keep the same color family but make both colors slightly darker so they stand out a bit more (I think without an image, changing to a darker color will give the logo more visual impact). Here are my ideas for # 36. 1) reomove the image and just leave the text. 2) darken the colors a little bit 3) make two logos with the chages, one with the "s" in stone as you have it, and one with the changes plus a new "s" that is more like the style of the other letters on cornerstone. I'd like to see both if you don't mind 4) What do you think about adding a vertical or horizontal line somewhere? Thank you so much for listening to my earlier request and for your excellent work. Please let me know if you have any questions.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi, thanks for your nice feedbacks, please let me know if you have any more suggestions...


(This comment references Entry #88)
14 years ago
Hi OQ,
#87 is simple yet has such good visual presence. The "o" is so unique. I have noticed (now having viewed so many entries) that with certain fonts, the "r" and "n" run together and look like "m", so I have been looking for clarity in the font style to make sure the r and n are clear. I really like the font you have chosen, but wonder if the r and n are easily read? Thank you for all of your designs and your thoughtfullness.
All the best,
Marlene in Vermont
14 years ago
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