This abstract graphic represents several symbols: 1. A rising sun - often associated with absolute knowledge, in many religions and mythologies it represents the high god thus the supreme power, clarity and the keen understanding of all things. The positive impression of this symbol can be discussed through pages and pages... 2. A Tree - Tree symbols and forests contains multiple mythic qualities. The deep-rooted symbolism of trees is apparent in common metaphors such as the Tree of Life and our ancestral heritage depicted in family trees. And knowledge is well know for its passing from one generation to the next one. Throughout human history, trees have been powerful symbols. Trees, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, the tree of life, the Ygdrassil tree in Norse mythology are often seen as noble or awesome. Trees symbolize life, growth, reaching down to the ground and up to the sky at the same time. 3. A Flower, Blue Lotus: This is the symbol of the victory of the spirit over the senses, of intelligence and wisdom, of knowledge.
Hey there, some really nice ideas you made here =) btw I like the earth graphic you used in #42 is their a way to color the continents on it similar to the graphic I uploaded in the contest brief? with reds, greens, blue, orange, etc.. and than putting it ontop of a font setup like #44 the earth graphic with its colorful continets could also have some sort of symbol of light coming off it or pin pricks of light and a shadow underneath it.
Here we go with some more samples according to your recent comment. Hope we're moving in the right direction with those. I'm glad you liked the door idea :) I agree we should stick to the door symbol representing the slogan.
I'm liking the new entries =) it's getting alot closer. I like the font used in #59 can we make the "izon" a green color in contrast to the blue for "cork" also make the door a wooden door. Also is it possible to make the colors on the globe a little more vibrant =) #57 is a pretty kewl concept as well though but not totally sure about it, kinda reminds me of the black monolith in the movie "2001", I'll think about it more.
Also for #59 inside the doorway, not sure if the blue works, maybe if it was a yellow color or a white light type effect comming out of it. Maybe can come up with something better for that =)
Can you take logo #58 and remove the tagline. Take the font of #59 and make the "izon" green and add it to #58...
than take the doorframe and make it a tiny bit longer to look more like #57 (#58 looks a tad shorter and wider). Instead of doing a doorframe can you try making the frame it is in...a black monolith the earth is on. To give it a 3-dimensional feel can tilt the black monolith inward toward the corkizon word just a tiny bit =)
Here's a quick google image search for the tilted in dimension of the black monolith which you can add the colorful earth to. with the black monolith/door can prob put a tiny white glow on the earth, not to much to help it stand out. Or try without see what works best.
First of all I'm currently halting my participation in your contest due to the following reasons: The so called unprofessional guy @designer ..who is using my idea is now ranked first. In this site we're not allowed to use another designer's idea or concept ..and he's doing exactly that, I've launched a Logo Court case against that designer in order to protect my idea. I first introduced a door in the design, you developed the idea further wanting the door inside the planet but I think you'll agree that putting the planet behind the door frame was mine idea thus only I have the copyright to develop and use that idea in your and even in some cases in other contest. Now I'm waiting for the vote in the LogoCourt and if I win I'd probably get back to this contest. But if you intend to let other designers use my idea please let me know of that fact now so I don't lose anymore time. Because this is against the rules here, against the designer code of conduct and etc. Idea is something we protect, something that matters and I believe you'd be also pissed off if somebody blatantly stole your idea in order to win money with it. I put enough hours work in this contest and now it's all going to waste because of this impudent guy @designer who doesn't have a respect for others' work and time. Too bad.
btw I just ranked his design 1st because I was trying to push the idea along with the world and door? Frankly I liked your logos the best which is a shame your pulling out of the contest. With a couple more entries I would have been ranking yours 1st? I didn't quite like the one that is ranked 1st at the moment or had the time to rank it thinking the last day here I'd finally get some more entires. I believe your logos are the closest and why I have been making comments in your channel here to tweak them a little more to what were looking for. Ranking someone first doesn't mean anything till the contest is over? I figured it would have gotten you to come up with some more logos seein how this contest for the last 13 days has been extremely slow with not many designers =( Most of your logos are really good just missing the blue/green text I asked for.
Sorry about that Mike, I was frustrated because it was the first thing to see in the morning and it ruined my mood. But if I am to wait for the LogoCourt resolve it would take much time which we don't have so here are my new entries, let me know of your thoughts on those. I'll try to cut the emotions down and keep up the submissions, hope you get the perfect logo for your business!
Np, very glad to see your staying in the contest! the latest entries are really nice =) I have to head to bed its like 5am in Florida USA. When I get up will review again for comments. Can we try one more? on #76 have the earth on the black monolith like you did #77 but have it thinner, like the thickness of the doorframe of #58 and instead of looking at it flat like #77 have it face inward toward the corkizon word just a little bit to give it that 3d look. Can remove the tag "connecting the world through talent" and make the corkizon 3d as well like #59 and I'm not a fan of the light blue and green you have for #75. I like the blue for cork you used in #59 need a good flourescent looking green to compliment it for the "izon".
(or can take #58, remove the blueish frame around the black entryway, change out the font of #58 with #59, and make the "izon" a green color, and no tagline, than after that....on the top of the earth where the white reflection hits the earth is it possible to add a sun light peaking over the top, kinda like the opening of the show "planet earth" where the earth rotates and than the sun peaks through on the corner, not too much but just a little like a lens flare at that point)
Thanks much for all the time you have been putting into the logo their looking really nice =) I'm just picky and sadly don't have the skills as a designer to do it myself.
Mike, I'm not sure I understood right this part: "Can we try one more? on #76 have the earth on the black monolith like you did #77 but have it thinner, like the thickness of the doorframe of #58 and instead of looking at it flat like #77 have it face inward toward the corkizon word just a little bit to give it that 3d look" Did you mean something like #87 ?
By the way "2001: A Space Odyssey" is one of my favourite books. Arthur Clarke was a genius!
I meant take #78 but make the wooden doorframe and the background the earth is on a black color gradient. Not on "top" of the black monolith but on the front face of it hehe =) Leave it on the left of the word corkizon and give it a back shadow to the door like you did #79.
can ditch the sun concept peaking over top not sure what I think about it just yet.
also can you remove the tagline "connecting you to a world of talent" from #78
lastly put the curved reflection on top of the corkizon word like you did #59 for #78
#96 #97 #98 #99 #100 - those are the new ones. Let's see if this time I understood you right :) I've done the background black gradient. The frame as black gradient and as wood / cork. The black shadow is apparent, the sun - ditched. Tagline - removed. And the curved reflection is present. Let me know of your thoughts on those.
take #99 and remove the seperation of frame and make it a solid piece. also remove the shadow under the earth on the pillar and also the reflection underneath it, can keep the back shadow. Can you upload two examples hehe one with tagline one without? sorry for my uncertainty on it just checking it out =)
#106 is a pretty neat idea as well =) maybe keep the canvas black but make the easel a wood color? and maybe flip it 180 degrees so it's facing the corkizon word instead of away from it.
For me one tiny last thing to finish the #102 idea =) can you add a 1px black line around the monolith? similar to #99 inbetween the frame and the monolith you have a black line encasing it....kinda gives it a more 3d appearance.
I actually thought of the same thing about #102 ..but in the end I didn't add that additional thin black border. But now it's there :) The new ones - #107 and #108
I actually thought of the same thing about #102 ..but in the end I didn't add that additional thin black border. But now it's there :) The new ones - #107 and #108
one last idea brought up to me from a colleague =) ...can you do one like #107 but instead of the full black monolith do the graphic from #57 to the left of the corkizon you have for #107?
actually can take #99 keep the frame and put white behind the earth instead of the black pillar, than put the little shadow under the earth like you did in #57 and keep the back shadow that is in #99 instead of the front shadow used in #57
that would produce the same result as the last comment =)
#109 #110 #111 #112 #113 #114 #115 Some variations on your last comments. After these ones I'll be leaving the battlefield for today - it's past 1 o'clock in the morning around here and I have to travel later in the morning :) I'll most probably attend to the last hours of the contest and will be on-line tomorrow at 8-9 o'clock AM your time.
try taking #111 and remove the shadow behind the door it looks a little off. Than add the tagline under #111
Also #109 the shadow under the earth seems in front of the door instead of underneath the earth graphic, can take #109 and put the shadow under the earth like you did in #111.
Been doin an great job adding so many variations for us, thanks much
for #119 can we try making the frame width of the doorway smaller. Like a 1px line or something so it just looks offset from the white background? sorry to give so many alterations. Just love having a designer at hand making awesome stuff =)
after that can you try making one image of #119 with a black background instead of white to see how the white doorway and corkizon word look on a dark background like you did for #42 =)
Hi Mike #142 #143 #145 #146 - new variations according to your comment, thanks for appreciating my designs. Let me know what you think of those. I'm sorry for the delay but I'm outside of the office and currently working from my notebook in one small mountain city :)
#142 is looking really nice =) can we make a black one like that as well? also for the black one give it a white radiance effect very subtle from the door on the black one. Also is can we make the "o" of cork and izon whole instead of cut? and finally last idea...can we make the top of the doorway arched to see how that looks?
Mike, I didn't quite understand what you envisioned as a "white radiance effect". Take a look at the new entries and let me know if I'm on the right direction there? #154 #155 #156 #157