Ok, we're gettin down to it. Great submissions, thank you all for your participation.
So here's some last-minute input and requests:
1. MPNH, I put you in #1 slot because I really like what this mark COULD BE. However, I don't think I'd leave it in the position it's in unless we can get there on a few things: color (too "Halloween": I'd like to see a handful of different, more web 2.0 friendly colors)
2. Glorious Kids, I didn't think I'd like "files" in the logo, but this comes very close to working. I don't like two arrows (one should suffice), and would like to see some different colors (and treatments: maybe try certificates, or something a little more abstract like just the arrow and....well, I don't know and don't want to stifle creativity)...
3. sethdesign, I really dig your logo, but I'd like to see some different colors and maybe fonts that are a bit less masculine?
I LOVE the teachings from this site/guide:
http://www.webdesignfromscratch.com/web-design/web-2.0-design-style-guide.phpPlease have a look, I'm ready to pick a winner, and I've got about 15 more logos to go! To have a look (and maybe a go) at another I'm running, check out my contest now for "vital.com".
Christian Hunter
Austin, Texas