Clean look, western feel with modern touch. Let me know what you think, i can add other element later if you like the initial design. Feedback is always welcomed and needed
Hi, I like 31 and I like the clean fresh look. I am getting overrulled by my family regarding the building. They all want me to keep it in our logo. I am struggling with keeping it clean and crisp. It can easily get fuzzy etc. on different media. - This is going to be a hard decision. I like different ones for different reasons. Thank you for something fresh and new to think about. It looks great!
Hi, I love the look of the bldg, lettering etc. - I'm just not sure about the star. When I see that I get a Texas feel and we are down in the Southern California Desert. Maybe a Cactus, sun or ?? Thank you - it looks very nice.
One more thing - I do have an issue with the Insurance Agency, LLC font/lettering. I just noticed it is a little too bubbly and the C in LLC looks like an O. Thank you, Laura
Hi, i will submit more and improved designs tomorrow, thank you for your detailed feedback really really appreciate it. The beauty of bordered design is you can put it anywhere. Let me know if you need color variations.
Hi, I like the brown because our colors right now are dark choc. brown on white. However, I thinkg the black looks much better with the gold lettering. I'm actually wondering what #31 would like with the bldg. and no back ground. I am still leaning toward the more open approach rather than a badge or patch look. I hope that helps. This whole contest is proving to be a real challenge. So many talented artists and I only get to choose one. Thank you so much for all of your work.
Hi, I am loving it. I think 51 is my favorite. However, on my first look, my eye got what looks like a light shadow in the front of the bldg. where the sign and front post is located. I guess it has been there all along, it just seemed to grab me tonight. And this is going to sound real vague and I am sorry, but it just seems too gold. Maybe a darker brown on the bldg. or ?? This will be a dramatic change, which isn't a bad thing. It has wow factor. But we are going from plain dark brown letters on white to mostly gold. Great job, Thank you, LFG
Yes i will begin to refine the logo based on your input.... and start focusing to make the logo better... there's plenty of element in the logo, i just finished putting it together, time to work on every element.... like the building which i didn't spend much time and give you some alternative color
Yup , finally finished the house , glad you like the color.... let me know what you think with the new house.... and overall looks of the logo.... still a bit of time to improve the logo. Thanks
Oops - just noticed that not all of the color from the burst below the design was cleared away. Also I am curious what it will look like in black and white. I didn't think about that until you mentioned it above. Some Ads won't do color. #78
B/W version... still looks good... of course you can always degrade the design to make it cleaner by removing some of the element..... that's why i put plenty of time on the font... just in case the font needs to stand alone it has to look good
Hi, i still believe the font is what makes the logo strong, i remove the arch for more conservative look. I will simplify the color to make it more conservative too.