Hi, Can you make your dog #20 look like he is smiling more? Can I see what he will look like with just his head and the bandana to simplify? Can you add a few strokes so he looks like he is wagging his tail?
The more I look at him....the more I like him! He really is cute : )
Have a great evening and thanks again for sharing your amazing talent! Karen
Hi, Sorry for the confusion...I love #25 as he is but with high / happy eyebrows. I love the big nose and gentle tongue : ) and the way his head it tilted..... I think the tongue can be left colorless for printing purposes....
thanks for your help! Karen
(Just so you know, I'm going to get feedback from my sister later and we have very different views : /
Karen.. Your welcome... If you think of anything else you would like me to add or change on #38 please let me know, Of course if you do pick my design you will get the versions with the full dog and just the head, and any others that you may need.
I really like the clarity of the letters of entry #13 I really like the light blue color of entry #5 I think I'd prefer the splash going upwards instead of down on entry #25 (stupid, right?) I'l also prefer the dogs pupils entry #25 to be filled in.
of course you are not driving me nuts., You have no idea how many time I have adjusted my logo.. the dog on mine is one of my goldens with his doggles on..
I will make some adjustments for you first think in the morning, my little one has to get to bed now.