I love that the character actually looks like me, kind of, but with less crazy hair and no bangs! i'm loving this idea so far. Any ideas on how I could use this as a bar? in a more linear manner, is what I mean.
Another funny thing that my friends said is that if that chick is going to look like me, it'll need slightly bigger boobs (well, they didn't say 'slightly', that was my add).
Anna!!!!! You are toooooo kind doing all this work for me right on your thanksgiving! I totally forgot about that, since we had ours a month ago. It looks amazing! I sent it off to my friends to help me critique it, but it's looking perfect to me!
I like how the Z might become the signature thing, and I LOVE how it comes out of the steaming pot. I would just like it to be more prominent. It's all I can think of right now...
don't cut off the girl, leave the long apron on like #2, make the Z bigger - apparently people like the knive /fork thing, I still prefer the steam but we definitely need to see it better.
OK, one last change! The feedback is still that the Z is hard to read - I love the fact that it's coming from the steam, but I'm thinking we'll have to change it to be more of a "hard" Z! Is there a way to make it the same font as the rest of the design, but with the steam coming up and "wrapping" it?
Do you know what I mean? I'm sorry to do this... just want to make sure we get it right!
It's looking amazing!
I've sent you some work. A friend looking for a designer will be in contact.
My favorite is still the steamy Z! I LOVE IT! I'm just afraid people won't be able to see it well, but I also like the new one you made... wish there was something in between....
Funny how all of a sudden everyone came to the "partyz"!
Anyway, still loving yours the best. Can I just request one more thing so I can put this to bed? Can I see a bigger green Z - but the same exact style and then a bigger pink one?
For example, the Z on #12 and #13. #12 has a bigger Z and I like how it sticks out. and #13 has the Z that runs under the word party. But these should be very minor adjustments as I LOVE the logo just as it is!
Agh! Just thought of something... I forgot to ask for a .com at the end. Maybe it's something you can do after? In green with the same font as cooking party?