I'll be sure to follow up (but my thinking is to make the main graphic pretty iconic looking, something like an "app. button" since we're dealing with an on-line software application). Cheers, Steve.
#6 Can you try to make the slogan read a little better without overpowering the design; possibly incorporating the text into the logo in a fun way? Does that make sense??
Do you mean incorporate it into the icon portion of the design? If that's the case, I'm reluctant as simplicity is generally a good thing. However, I'll play with the font some and post what seems good - stay tuned...
Can we try #6 with no reflection under the icon? I don't think the shadow will show up well in small form. Can we also make the slogan a tiny bit bigger without going beyond its bounds? It is a little hard to read in small form.
Shadow...(ground reflection, shadow, glare on cookie, are all built into the file on layers - you will be able to turn them on or off at will.) BTW, what's the verdict on the strapline - italicized or no...