Coogee is one word so use same color for entire word, please simplify the pictorial mark - look at the Marketlend logo for inspiration. Also remove the lines.
Congratulations, you're currently our front runner. Thanks for the great design, we really like #192 as it conveys the residential aspect of Aged Care Homes as well as the people "care and support" aspect.
Could you please do some concepts with #192 however place the icon to the left of the text at the same overall height.
Also play with some lighter blues, and also different concepts adjusting the alignment of "AGED CARE" underneath.
Thanks for the concepts Suki, let's go with #206, make "aged care" left aligned. Play with some slightly brighter blue and green.
Also the blue swoop looks a little off centre, can we move it to the left a little so the icon itself is balanced and even length on both sides. You are doing fantastic work and we really love your designs.
Green Person: Move the green persons hand thats on the blue persons left shoulder to the blue persons right shoulder. Move the green persons arm that is currently by his side to having it bent and slightly overlapping/in front of the blue person. like Colours: Use the lighter colors from #243.
Great work, if you have any questions don't hesitate the ask, really getting close now.
I'm liking the revisions but the team feels the side on profile of what the people are doing like #199 hits the mark a little better in terms of communicating the care/support aspect. Can you change #254 to a side profile with one person assisting the other like #199?
Apologies for the delay, took a while to get feedback from the team. Love your design and congratulations we're going with #243 :) Thanks for your fantastic work. What fonts were used by the way?