Love this design. Could you swap the knife and fork for something else, maybe pizza peels? Also, would like to see something with a border of some sort and variations on the coloring. LOVE where you're headed with this.
Could you show me #91 with maybe just a flame in between the crossed peels instead of the whole slice of pizza? Thanks so much for your continued efforts!
Amazing. Got some feedback from friends and they thought the dot under the "O" would be confused with "Co." as in company. Is that something we could play with? I like that the "O" isn't the same size as the rest of the letters. Think we could do the differing size on another letter?
Of course. Either of the "U"s would work best visually I think because shortening them doesn't really affect the way the way they are read. I altered the "U" at the end so that there wouldn't be too much going on inthe center of the logo.
Though, if you have a letter you would like see changed I certainly can try it.
I removed the dots under the "M" to see what it would look like. I feel that maybe too many dots on one end of the word way be too busy.
So just to give you a quick synopsis of our situation, there are three partners and two of us are in love with the pizza guy but one is not. Could you play with the scale of that part of the design? We noticed the one on #66 was a bit smaller and we were all a fan of that sizing. Also we were wondering if you could play with that guys design as a whole or implement something else there? I know you tried the fire but we all felt it looked a bit too generic. One other thing is the coloring, we were wanting to see some grays or oranges or a combination of the two or honestly any other colors you might think worked. It's just that we're not 100% sold on the red. Thank you again for all your work thus far!
We loved the pizza peels! We felt the fork and knife are a bit over done. Also we were thinking for reasons of balance could you do the small o as you originally had but then add a small u at the end with a dot on top of the u?
we're in the Charleston sc area. Honestly not really to the local imagery but like I said we are wide open to ideas. It's just one of the partners likes the design but something about the guy is turning them off. Sorry for the frustration we just really want to nail this on the head.
Good morning Brian, we were wondering if you could show us some color variations on #128? We like the gray but not so much on the goldish yellow. Maybe the orange in its place from #99 or maybe a vibrant blue. Also would you mind playing with the sizing on the bottom of the logo, mainly artisan wood fired pizza. It's kind of hard to read. I think if you used the bottom of #77 it might work better. Just let us know, or if you have any other thoughts on it at all we are all ears! Thanks again man!
So here is the update on the designs. Ultimately, we are between #129 and #99, and don't feel the need to drag the contest out. With #129, we would like both of the pizza peels to be white. Also, we feel that "Pie Bar" is too small as it is part of the name and needs to stand out. Is it possible to play with size of the circular design to increase the size of "Pie Bar"? With #99, could you fill in the pepperonis and make the pizza a solid grey, just leaving the fire orange? On this design we'd like to see the pizza peels orange as well as grey on the finished design. Thank you so much for all of the time you've put into this design as well as your continued patience! We feel that we could wrap this up over the next day if possible for you! Thanks again!
No problem. I will make the updates for you this morning. I don't have a problem sending you #99 also if you're having a hard time deciding. I realize it is a big decision and want to help where I can.
I'll also send you my email address if you need to make any updates down the road.
Looking at #138, is it not possible to expand the circumference of the gray sphere to allow for larger text for pie bar? It's just that we aren't a fan of the new text but really love the original text. Or possibly just enlarge the text by a point or two? If not just say, we're just trying to really make that one work.
I'm digging 144 but I won't have a chance to discuss with my partners until later tonight. I'll message you later on or first thing in the am. Thanks again man.
Looks like #146 is our design! Could you pull the lines out to the ends of the C and N? Also, we pulled up the logo on a TV and on a phone and the grey background looks very brown, whereas the grey you used in #126 looked like a true dark grey. Let me know your thoughts on the coloring. Thanks!
One more note is that the design will be used for both print and web and we just want to make sure the color transfers the same between both mediums. Thanks again Brian.
#146 is a little on the brown side, but I can change it to a true grey like #126 . The colors should transfer fine. I'll pick a pantone color for these last revisions to ensure that it never has to change if you ever have to print in pms colors.
Sorry man as we're looking at this one the gray seems to have a blue hue to it, is that possible or do you think its my computer? I'm wondering do you have any other gray options?
Check out the other ones. The color is going to vary from monitor to monitor. I have a monitor hooked up to my laptop and have to constantly move images from one screen to the other because I'm not sure which one is the actual color is. haha
No man I'm sorry we're just having a hard time on this coloring as silly as that may sound. It's just that some of us our seeing some of the grays as blueish and others as greenish. We're just scared of picking one then printing it and being stuck with a color other than what we thought it was.
Don't sweat it too much. It's easy to change down the line with a few quick clicks. The thing about color is that everyone physically sees it differently to a degree.