A lot of the designers seem to use the same font. Is there a font available similar but a bit more unique. In particular, we prefer if the 2 ends of the letter "C" were straight instead of pointing.
Also, if there was a way to have some form of hidden image/meaning in the building image that would be great, something unknown to anyone just looking at it for the first time. Your building image in particular could possibly be representative of a stack of contracts, but if you have any creative adjustments, without over complicating the image that would be great.
Hi. Could we see a revision with the font slightly "taller". If you refer to our website, www.contractresolutions.com.au you will see some taller font and may also find ideas for some tweaks. Thanks.
Please review the revised files. I have tried to incorporate a few things in it, but I feel that the simplicity and elegance of the icon disappears because of it. This is just my opinion.
Let me know what you feel. If you have any idea as to what you want to incorporate in this then let me know I shall do it.
Also, can you confirm if a winning design is chosen it can come in multiple formats, i.e. one file as submitted, one file of image only, one file of text part of logo, black and white versions, etc. The reason being that we may need to manipulate the layout/format to suit various uses (thumbnails, business cards, letterheads, etc.).
I have edited the original font. I shall give you this edited font in final file.
If you choose this as the winning design then I shall provide you with all the required/requested formats of the final file. You can use it as you like.
We are most keen on #176. We believe it captures the essence of the business.
Can you confirm: 1. that the words "Contract" and "Resolutions" are symmetrical above each other, i.e. start and end at the exact same point? 2.that the colors are standard colors available through any computer software so we can utilize the color scheme throughout our branding? 3.the the colors, in your opinion, are suitable for the range of intended applications (web, clothing, print, social media, etc)? 4.that the font is available for general use in our branding?
1. Yes the words ’Contract’ and ’Resolutions’ are symmetrical. 2. The color are available in all the designing software you will have no problem with it. 3. These colors are very elegant and suitable for any professional use like web, print, clothing etc. 4. You can use this font as you like it is for general use.
If you would like to know anything else then please feel free to ask.