The design seen here is a combination of a lightbulb (bright ideas) and a human head (brain, smart). It symbolizes creativity and the smart solutions that you provide. Feedback welcomed!
#6 Very interesting. I like the lightbulb part of it. It is the best looking lightbulb so far, but the face part of it looks kindof weird. It makes it look like spiky hair on a head. The font doesn't really resonate with us. Something simpler would be better.
This is Lisa, Jim's partner. I think I would like #9 better if the lines coming off the side were more evenly distributed around the top, like a lightbulb. Also, we need to make sure it doesn't look like a question mark as that signifies uncertainty. We could also do something with a musical note, as long as it is almost so abstract you can't recognize it.
You can tell we just extended the competition. If we went with one right now, it would be this one. I wish it were a bit more substantial . . . a bit more masculine than it is right now, but we like it. Thoughts on some variations?