Conroy&CompanyLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Conroy&Company

Conroy&Company has selected their winning logo design.

For $325 they received 212 designs from 41 different designers from around the world.






















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Logo Designer
Thank you for the invite and the opportunity to submit for your project. Here are a few ideas that I came up with for your business.

#97 Real Estate sign with two "c" shapes forming a sort of wave....
#102 Wave to represent the environment and possible geographical element.
#106, #107, #110 two "C" shapes form a house in negative space.
#111 Another one with an environmental feel

The color schemes for all fit nicely into an area of environmental consciousness, while still delivering a strong message as to what you do.

Feel free to provide feedback and suggestion as they are always welcome and are an important element to the design process...

14 years ago
Paul - dynamite!! #111 jumps to number 1 - non question. I think it may be perfect just as it is. One question is how it would look in black and white since I still do some newspaper print - can you throw one at me to see? Anything else if you want, but this is super work! Thanks
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Mike - Here is an example in Black and White. We can tweak it to work in any color scheme. B/W is never an issue, because we can make you a second version in B/W with the gradients and shadows adjusted for B/W

Thanks for the feedback. It is the KEY to getting you what you want.


(This comment references Entry #147)
14 years ago
Hi Paul - Thanks for the b&w, that looked great. For my logo, I will want files for the whole logo - icon and name, and also just the icon by itself for uses where we only need the house image - will that be possible?
I'm ready to end this soon - thanks for all your ideas!
Referencing #111.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Mike - I just wanted to see if I could do anything else to the design that may prove helpful? Any revisions, tweaks etc...? Feel free to let me know.

I will be glad to give you the formats listed above. Logo Tournament only allows for the one master file, so I will have to e-mail the rest to you. The total file though is layered. You can remove anything you need. I will be glad to make those separations for you at no additional charge once you have closed out the contest.

Thanks again,
14 years ago
Thanks - I sent a note a minute ago - forgot - I also like a line under Conroy, maybe not to the left of it. And the conroy refined as most have done, maybe a little tighter (shorter?) than yours. Could give that a shot as alternatives. Thanks
14 years ago
Logo Designer
No problem at you go...(also some additional tweaks.) #199 #200 #201I added the shadow effect to the outer ring of the entire logo of #201...its very subtle but I like it.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
With the line UNDER Conroy...

(This comment references Entry #202)
14 years ago
Thanks Paul - I'm a little brain dead from this - meant to say I like a line under Conroy, instead of to the left of Conroy - but with the Conroy & Company still to the right of the icon. #199 and #111 work best, with the line under Conroy. Phew - hard to be clear with words - lots of respect for you guys that translate us!! Got the note about your ability to get me the 'pieces'. Thanks!!
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Gotcha I just saw that...#202 is an upgrade as requested...
14 years ago
Thanks - then if you can not have them so wide, or stretched, and start the Conroy a little closer to the icon - my other top choice may provide some guidance.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is the tighter wordmark....I am going to play around with font colors and submit those momentarily as well...

(This comment references Entry #206)
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Color changes to the wordmark...
#207 and #208
14 years ago
Logo Designer
With a reflection just for fun....this can be added or removed with a click for different uses. (web etc..)

(This comment references Entry #209)
14 years ago
#206 will be the one - if you can make Conroy as dark as the Conroy in #111 and enlarge the &Company a bit like the one in #111 (seems a bit bigger) - than we are done, you win and I will close out the contest tonight, and we'll get it together from there!
Thanks a ton.
14 years ago
Logo Designer
Mike - I hope this looks OK. When I pinched the "CONROY" part earlier it changed the way the "& Company part looked in proportion...just let me know if I need to reduce or enlarge the bottom wordmark any further....thanks for your feedback tonight. You could hold a clinic on this, you'd be amazed at how many clients I get who think I'm a mind reader. Your feedback has been GREAT!

(This comment references Entry #212)
14 years ago
That's a winner! I'm very psyched with the end result - very warm, organic yet professional and clean! You've done a great job working with me! I will end the contest in a minute - as I mentioned, I will need it in b&w and color, and if you can get me a version we can work with that just has the icon separately, and the whole thing that will be great. I will need to be able to email a logo to a newspaper, or magazine for their use. Also, local printers for simple stuff, and our own versions to print out on mailing labels etc. So, you know the fancy way (eps - whatever that is) and the simple way - jpg's, etc.

Send me some info afterwards about other products you could do - I'm at I'm moving to a new brokerage and may have needs. Thanks again - you've worked hard for me and I appreciate it.
14 years ago
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