Really liking the design of #41... could I see it with the blue closer to the color of #18 in my contest? I think the blue you have selected is too dark. Also, can you show me an option with the graphic at the top with the company name under it similar to the arrangement of #18.
Daniel - I'm prepared to declare #66 the winner if you can do a couple of things for me. I fear the blue in the company name is still just a little too dark. Looking for something closer in terms the blue in #67 in my contest and well as the font choice and weight.
What I'm looking for is 3 file formats of the logo: (i) current arrangement as shown in your #66, (ii) a landscape version similar to the arrangement of #10 and #31, and (iii) a graphic only without the company name. If you can provide these 3 arrangements in high-res JPG/EPS formats as well as a web-compatible GIF or PNG with transparent background, I'm good.
Hi thank you very much for your comments. I'm uploading the changes required in their designs. With regard to your colicitud, when you pick a winner, the designer will be able to deliver the designs in different formats eps, png, etc. I hope you are all well.
Thanks.... just declared you the winner using #118 (landscape version) as the winner. If you can provide the portrait version #117 and logo only #119 in high-res EPS and JPG as well as transparent background lower res GIF or PNG that would be great. Nice work!
Daniel - just got the upload file. I was looking for a higher res JPG that I could use for print purposes... no need to do in multiple sizes as I can always make smaller. also looking for GIF or PNG version with transparent background and the portrait version (#117) and the logo only #119 in the same formats... can you upload these?
Just wanted to make sure you got the reply email to the file you emailed me which I got. Need transparent background versions as noted in the 12/5 comment on the brief. The work is otherwise great and acceptable. Anxious to get the transparent background versions of the same files you have sent me so I can start using them.