the rabbit is very cool - pretty much the style i'm looking for ..good for web and especially good for entry 29, with the lettering..i really really like the "coney island" lettering..not sure about the "clothing cartel" lettering though... if you make the rabbits shirt red to match his sneakers. And, with the eyes also..maybe make him look a little angry. lol (you know how those street thugs are) :)
i like the red shirt. still not loving the lettering for clothing cartel though. one looks too cartoon-ish and the other one is cool but I worry won't easily be visible on t-shirt. Maybe try something scriptive?
ENTRY 36 is my favorite out of those choices. maybe we should change the color though because orange might be too light to read as scriptive. Do you think it would look better in maybe red or the purple that's used to shadow the 718?
entry #61 is my favorite, the lettering is much better but why does it slant down? can you make it so it slants up..perhaps a bit more parallel with the word "island". Also, try variation in the color of the 718 and "clothing cartel"..maybe red? or make the 718 red and the clothing cartel just black? something along those lines. but this lettering is much better.