I think that #54, #55, #58, #59, and #60 is more what we are looking for. They are more classical in design. Some of the others (50,52,53,56,and 57) feel a little too mechanical or robotic or "new age" for what we are wanting..
We really like the designs that you are coming up with. In terms of submitting designs with different variations in colour, do not worry about that at the moment. We really like #55 and #59. In regards to #59, perhaps you can change the small teardrops to a more geometric triangle? Thank you - AB
We have a few ideas for revisions. We really like #55. Could you try the same grey that you have with Pantone colors: sagebrush green 18-5612TCX or true blue 19-4057TCX? Additionally, we would like to see the C's at the beginning of each word slightly larger. Lastly, could you add lines or some sort of border around the word management, as you have in #94?
Could you please show me #229, # 185, and # 186 with the following edits:
Add some shading so that the edges are darker and as you move toward the center the colors become lighter (I believe it is gradient coloring?). What we are trying to see are ways to add some depth and dimension to the logo.
Looking at #94, I like the shadow you have under the logo. I am told that the shadow is difficult when printing business cards (it will look more like a smudge). When you make edits to 229, 185, and 186, could you have a small line to replace the shadow seen in 94?
We like the straight lines you have in 94 that bracket the word "Management". We like them better than the lines that appear on 229.
Could we also see all 3 designs where "Concentio" is on the first row and "Capital Management" is on the second row (with no lines).
In all, there would be 6 new submissions:
3 with gradient coloring (or some other way to show 3D depth), a small line representing the shadow seen in 94, and "Concentio Capital" on the first row with "----Management----" on the second row
3 with gradient coloring (or some other way to show 3D depth), a small line representing the shadow seen in 94, and "Concentio" on the first row with "Capital Management" on the second row
Now building upon #249, could you please substitute a small line for the shadow under the logo (same size as the shadow). My fear is that the shadow will not properly print on a business card.
Also, could you please make the Cs in "Concentio" and "Capital" a little larger than the other letters (like what you did in #228).
Finally, is the blue color of "Concentio" the same as the logo? It looks slightly different when I look at it.
Building upon #250, could you show me something where the top line (above the words Concentio Capital) is shorter ( ______ instead of _______________________ ). This smaller, centered line would represent the shadow of the logo like you have in #243.
Also, could you please use a darker blue for the word "Concentio" so that it matches the darkest blue in the logo.
Looks great! One thing, it looks like there is extra space between the line on the left and the M in "Management". Am I crazy or does it make "Management" look a little off center when compared to the line on the right?
1. One of the partners is wondering if you can add more gradient to the logo colors to enhance depth - make the center of the logo a little lighter color even more than it is.
2. Is it possible to make the word "Consentio" a solid (no gradient), darker blue. The color of "Concentio" in #229 would be nice.
Building off of #256, I think that we would like to see the outer edge of the blue start at the dark blue that you have and move toward the center with the grayish blue that you have in #257/259. The blue at the center of the circle for #256 is a little too teal in color. We are happy with the shading/gradient of the gray part of the circle.
We have narrowed it down to two choices, #263 and #214.
For #263, we would just like to see the logo without the line above the text.
For #214, we would love to see the current blue gradient lighten to pantone Powder Blue #14-4214, as opposed to the teal. It will reduce the contrast and hopefully get rid of the teal blue.
Some clarification on AB's comments. #256 is the second choice. It should read:
For #256,we would love to see the current blue gradient lighten to pantone Powder Blue #14-4214, as opposed to the teal. It will reduce the contrast and hopefully get rid of the teal blue.
We like the transition of the shading for #214 and were hoping that your gradient could be a smoother transition in the color gradient.
In #263, there are 4 "petals" with various shades of blue and 4 "petals" with various shades of gray. We like these colors a lot.
Could you take #266 and for each "petal" start the outside edge of each petal with the darkest shade of blue (from #263) and transition to the lightest shade of blue (from #263) on the inside edge of the petal. Please do the same for the gray petals.
You may have done all of this with #266, but it is hard for us to see the lightest blue on the inside.
Could you please tell me what is the darkest color of blue and lightest color of blue you are using in #263? We like the colors you are using. However, we want you to use those same colors for the shading in #256. #256 has too much green in the lightest color of the shading of each petal (near the center of the circle). We like how each blue petal goes from dark to light. We just want the light blue/green to be Powder Blue #14-4214 toward the center of the circle.
So could I see where the outside of the "petal" starts at 100% and the inside (at the center of the circle) ends at 20%? In other words, recreate #256 using "PANTONE P 108-16 C" with the outside being darkest (100%) and the inside being the lightest (20%)?
The gradient seems to be too much trouble. Lets just go with #263. However, can you remove the line ABOVE concentio capital and space the words out a little more? The words are a little tight.
Did you see AB's comments over the last couple of days? We really like #263. We would like to see #263 without the line above "Concentio Capital" (but leave the lines next to "Management") and see the letters spread out a little so that they are easier to read.
We really like #263 and #277. Some clarification on our requests:
1. Could you move the logo on #277 back down to the same level as #263. 2. The spacing we would like to see is the spacing between the letters of "Concentio Capital", see #214 and #217 as an example of the spacing of the letters. Please do this for #263 and #277. 3. Is there a difference between #277 and #276? (I can't tell if there is one. They look the same to me. Maybe I am missing something.) 4. I know that you are using PANTONE P 108-16 C (blue) and PANTONE P 174-12 C (grey). Are you also using P 108-15, P 108-14, P 108-12 for the other shades of blue and P 174-10, P 174-6, and P 174-1 for the other shades of grey?
You will be the winner of the contest as we are very happy with the design, but would like to see these changes before we finalize the contest. I hope that we can be done by Tuesday.
1. #278 . 2. #279 and #280 . 3. Not make any difference. Loaded two times the same logo. 4. #281 logo (P 108-16, P 108-15, P 108-14, P 108-12) / (P 174-12, P 174-10, P 174-6, P 174-1) color sample. Thank you for your interest.