hello, i decided to go with your idea of a maze and incorporated the initials CM =) any feedback would be great particularly on the font / text layout, thanks!
thanks for your suggestions. We had the maze-idea before. Unfortunately we decided that it is a bit hard as a letter and a maze as those two things are not really that compatible. :(
#135 and #136 look quite cool, but if you don't know that there are the letters "c" and "m" inside you won't recognize it.
thanks for the feedback, i understand where you are coming from but i dont beleive people need to be able to see the letters, its the overall shape and the effect of a maze that matters here =) many of the best logos are very abstract and its the fact that u cant quite tell what they are that makes them work.
thanks for your suggestions. I think the maze-idea looks cool as well. However it looks a bit like a soccer team logo (although I don't remember right now of which).
There was one really cool concept with a 3d-maze which looked cool. Unfortunately he withdrew it (no idea why).