#135. This is really nice! I like it a lot. Any chance I can see it in grayscale so I can get an idea as to how it will hold up on maps that have to be done in black and white? Some of my clients don't have the option of producing in color. Thank you!
Hi...really sorry i didn't get a chance to do your revision and request on the logo. My internet connection was down all day yesterday =( if there is a chance i could submit the logo with the changes..i will be very happy to do that since the contest is ending now.
#135 I would really like to have you submit the logo with the changes, but I'm not sure how to do that since the contest is ended. Do you know of a way that doesn't infringe upon the rules?
Based on information in the forum, I have changed the ranking so you are now number one if you wish to submit the changes of font and if I could see in grayscale. I'll look forward to seeing them. Thanks
#180 Almost there! Could you please center align the text portion. The "C" in Compass should stay in it's current position, but I would like the subtitle (Custom Mapping & Geospatial Analysis) to be moved to the left so it becomes centered. Right now this subtitle is "hanging" off to the right.
And could you put the white "grid" of latitude/longitude lines on the logo portion (the "map") like you have in #182
And also use the same "O" (the small globe with the continents shown" from the word "Compass" that you have in #182