Try making the text all CAPITAL letters. The text is missing something... it needs to be more like dark glass or have something subtly shiny to it. See and look at the iPad2 text on the homepage right now. That's TOO pronounced, but that's the idea I'm looking for. There should also be spaces between the text.
The trunk of the tree should be the same color as the text (which needs to get darker than it is right now).
The leaves on the tree should be square. Did you see the eCloud video? They need to be like the eCloud. They should be different colors, too like the panel in the middle of the ecloud video. Also, lose the dark blue header above each of the leaves.
I think this is a step in the right direction. Right now, the text should have the glare on the top--not in the middle. Visit Do you see the iPad2 text? It's slightly --not perfectly aligned and shiny. I'd want mine a little less shiny. Try the same angle of the shading that's on iPad2
Try to use more colors in the leaves like a lavender and a green --all of the same type of tone that you will see in the eCloud video (toward the middle of the video)
I don't really like how I can see the branches behind the leaves. There's something that seems off to me about semi-transparent squares and branches...
Can you show me what it'd look if the tree branches didn't extend so far into the leaves? In other words, if the leaves were covering up the branches?
You kind of did that on #44. I don't like the trunk on #44 or the shape of the leaves. I like the trunk on #27 and the shape that the leaves form (more triangular than circular).
#52 is really good. It seems like the leaves are missing something.
Perhaps could you try making some more of them less transparent? I see you have different transparency levels scattered throughout.
It would also be nice to see some reflective properties on the leaves. You did seem to have more reflective properties with #44. But the leaves were too close together in #44.
BACKGROUND: I actually like the trunk of #13. I must've missed that subtle difference before. It looks like the trunk is actually OVER the leaves.
What I didn't like about the trunk earlier in designs like #8--and why I asked you to hide it--was that I didn't like semi-transparent leaves covering it. But in #13 it looks like you have the trunk OVER the leaves, so it's not being covered.
SUGGESTED CHANGES: Can you go back to design #13-- make sure the trunk is in the FOREGOUND. Don't change the location of the leaves. But do change some of the colors to include: lavender , green, gold and blue. Use the same highlighting on the trunk as you did in #52.
Can you try to shift the hues of the colors to make them slightly more defined? Make the blues SLIGHTLY darker blue. the lavender SLIGHTLY darker lavender, green SLIGHTLY green.
Sorry to have you change things around again, but I don't like the leaves. The darker colors didn't work out.
Can you put them back to the same hues they were on #52. Keep them in the same order (don't change their positions). Perhaps it would look better if you removed even more.
Something about the colors seems wrong. Can you eliminate the blue and use different shades of Green, lavender and gold? Try to make them seem high tech and sleek.
Dont worry, it's not a problem, I love doing revision, my goal is to make my client happy with the final result, so don't be hesitate to ask me more and more until you satisfied.
Finding the right colors combination to match what we want is not easy, so I don't mind to keep trying the variation until we find the right one.
Here are some, based on what I get from your feedback.
I'm going to show this to my investors; they might have some feedback. I'll keep you updated. I've been working in their feedback all the way during this contest, so I'm sure it won't be that drastic.