hello, brighten the color in #103 add the rooftop that represents village community in #104, but in #103 the peope itself already represents community. new design in #105.
i like #109, if you can change the umbrella color to one color, and add some small windows to the columns to give it a buildings look, and if you can have 3 different colors for the 3 people(the colors represent a business man and one represent normal person and one represent a good man) this is just an ideas that comes to my mind.
if you can change the columns level of colors to a different colors level( lets see how its look like with no duplication in the colors, try light yellow and littel darker yellow ).
okay, update time. i have updated the font to more sharp font. changed the umbrella color to one color, and add little windows to give it buildings look. #116 the old color but with windows #117 new colors without duplication on colors of the columns #118 new colors #119 new colors #120 the windows only in one column #121 the windows are in each columns