Hi... thanks for considering my designs for your contest. Please let me know if you would like to see any changes. You can message me here by leaving a comment or you can private message me through this website.
#3 thanks for this entry. It is eye catching. I wonder if it could be made more exciting? I want it to scream at people "this is a must-attend event and you'd be mad to miss it!". I have no idea how to do that - thanks creative genuises...
I can't read the Venue and date from more computer without enlarging, so I think they need to be bigger.
Ilike the cog device but maybe is is too coloured? does it like a bit too much like a UN-thing? Maybe a second smaller cog?
#2 I like the simplicity but like #3 I'm not sure how you convey that this is an event that people should attend. The venue and date need to be bigger to read from a computer.
The contrasting is nice. This looks very classy.
Appreciate you taking the time and effort - excellent stuff.
This might sound kind of strange, but I didn't really intend for the full date and location to be very readable at this small of a resolution. I included it just to show it's position. I intended it for larger visual presentations. I'll show a couple examples of smaller usage next.
I'm not getting the correlation to the UN, at least consciously. I see a lot of logos and visual elements through my days though, so maybe they do have something.
I do think your logo needs lots of color used in a very simple way. That's just my impression at this stage.
OK, I get it more about the sizing issue (you're the expert).
I like the new one (#5) the most so far - looks great. I looked at your profile and also loved the one you did for "run of the Class" with a squarer visual element. Our Cooperative Research Centres are about delivering research to society to improve the economy, the environment and society. It's probably asking too much of a logo, but something that conveys that we are the guys delivering outcomes in a number of areas would be cool.
We do it by bringing together Universities, research agencies and companies to get outcomes. So the "Collaboration" theme is about getting them to work together as best they can (they come from very different cultures).
I do like the brightness and excitement more than the classy/B&W of #2, so prefer you pursued that angle than use more time on the #2-like ones.