#15 is another nice proposal, but I still don't feel the icon is quite there yet. Ideally I'd like to have an icon that immediately conveys "e-learning" :)
Also, I really like your top-rated logo for Life Design – maybe you could make an awesome 3d logo for e-leaning as well?
Hi muzsi, and thanks for all your proposals! I still don't see the immediate connection to "e-learning" from the otherwise good looking designs in #20, #17 and #19, so I was wondering if you have any other good ideas for a symbol? If so, then I'd love to see more :)
Hi muzski and thanks for your continued efforts! I believe the communication from submissions #36 + #37 is still too abstract to deduce. I see what you are trying to show with the e, but rather than a pattern, I'd like it to illustrate e-learning in a simple way, perhaps using avatars like a hand, a mouse, a screen or something. I know you already submitted a design with a screen, but I imagine it should be possible to signal "this is elearning" without writing it :)