Entry #4 - Likes: Straight forward, Coffee bean is relevant and clever. Dislikes: n/a, but I'd like to see more with this idea. I have to say that I really like it, but am not in love with it, if that make sense.
I like the graphic & simple art design in Entry #10 - I'm not excited about the font in it though. Could you make a couple variations? I do like the unique characteristic of the type in Entry #4.
Do you think you could make something graphic & simple with a Yup'ik Kayak image? heres a link to an example: http://www.yupikscience.org/3coastspring/images/YuA_SEC3_photo_panels4.jpg -maybe with one man pouring himself some coffee. The text could be on the kayak or below it? What do you think???
Entry #16 made me laugh out loud! Could I see one with the text on one line instead of two? I love this idea! I'm torn, cause I like the look of it, but I'd also like to see it a bit less literal. I'm happy with the text font (but as I mentioned, would like to see it on one line). The proportions of the dude and Kayak seem a bit off - what do you think? I think its the Kayak. It seems a little to edgy and not too true to form. I do love the idea though... more, more, more! :)P
Thanks a lot for all refferences, I think this one im going to make the logo http://qayanek.com/kwig/images/1epad.jpg , the proportion fits well with the dude that i made. I need a time to make a revision for this, and in a mean while i will change for one line words first
this is my kayak version reffering to your images i hope it getting close to what you want, I still making another one, and I already change the font, Hope you like it. Enjoy
Entry #20 is more like what I'm looking for; the text seems a tiny bit close to the image. Also, can make one with the text like how it was on the earlier versions, like Entry #19 (with no exclamation mark though). Another thing, Could you make the back end the the kayak a tad bit longer? Just a tiny bit so it looks more proportioned.