It was rather odd for me but I just had this desire to put code in the background. Thanks for the input and I will be submitting more -- more in line with what you are looking for. Thanks!
I like this logo a lot, but I don't really like it for our company. I really like the creativity and the use of elements, but I'd prefer to go in a different direction for our logo, I'm not really feeling this design, and I'm noticing on a lot of these submissions that having the slogan in it just makes the logo bigger and creates more space to fill with design elements. Thanks
on #31, again it's not bad, it's just not for our company. The Ps are a bit much and really the "plus" is kind of an afterthought if anything, and not a main emphasis. The "Code Works" itself is a little plain, but overall it's not a bad design, just not really in the direction we feel best shapes our business. Thanks for submitting