its got potential. keep going - like the use of the two colors - not a big fan of the block thing - to rigid, how does it relate to what we do - doesn't play off the C and the S - or invoke some relationship to city planning.
#23. Now that I see the "c" and "s" I get it, I like it. How about adding some dimension (depth?) to the letters - using the same colors - lighter on the top, darker on the bottom - same with the icon. Can you try some different fonts?
Shades on the letters and icon, on top highlights and font changed. I really like how this font merge with the colors and icon. Waiting for feedback, Pelys
I think I like #24 better. #29 looks a little too fancy. Prefer a simpler more elegant look. Could be reacting to the stripe that runs through the middle of the font (#29). How about playing around with some different fonts and colors for #24, would be interested in seeing what a lighter blue might look like in place of the yellow or a gray. thanks for all your effort.
#35, #36 thanks, will add them to mix - did you try a lighter blue or gray? have you tried it with lower case fonts? Also, if your interested read the comment on the main page. thanks again.
Best set yet - love the font choice, the lower case and the gray. Would love to see if you have any other ideas for the icon. Is there any way to shape the icon so nothing is sticking above the letters?
#47, like the smaller icon, not sure if the triangles are working for me. Is there any way to get a more symmetrical icon that sits in line with the "c". I smaller icon version of 43 could do the trick, feel free to play around with it some more....thanks
can you do one more - a version of #85 and #51 with a yellow or black square in the remaining hole to square off the block - so the icon doesn't look like a heart - hope that make sense - thanks
I have changed the font of slogan and some fines to the icon; the concept I consider is the C and S forms two buildings and the 2 other squares are the green spaces with vegetation. A concept like front image (bird-eye perspective) on your website Hope you like!
#183 is just about there - can we loose the line under code studio and that should do it. thanks for all your hard work, we are very happy with how the design turned out.
Line under text is deleted, slogan moved a little up to mantain a nice proportion and adecvate space. Thanks for providing very nice feedback! good vibes