#39 and #40 Would you please show me this with different colors. I would really like something that is pink or lavender, and maybe a different more stylish font. Thank you!!
Okay the ink well was not working for me the bottle just takes away from the essence of the design..so I've have revised the quill to be more recognizable
You're a step ahead of me! I just logged on to ask you if you would please show me the logo in B&W. Thank you very much. When the contest is over, will I still be able to do some playing around with the colors?
in addition to the required file formats I supply the following formats
1. Hi Res jpg 300pdi cmyk 2. Hi Res jpg 300dpi RGB 3. Transparent background PNG file for web and desk top publishing 4. 2 colour verison which will be a Pantone purple and grey 5. Illustrator working file