Thanks for submitting. this is wild card submission (in a good way). I wasn't initially sold on the acronym route, but I like what you did here. I like the font and color mix- very Miami (where we are based).
Can I ask you to make a subtle color change? Trying to stay away from orange and green together because of the University of Miami Hurricanes colors. Can we change orange to a brilliant shade of gold and amp up the grey to a more brilliant silver?
Also, i'd be interested to see some emblematic elements added, think fireworks, stars trophies....something that says "winning" or "achievement". Maybe underneath the text? Your call.
I like some of the elements you incorporated. Maybe I confused you though. I wanted to keep the green in everything, swap out the orange for that brilliant gold, and enhance the grey to silver.
There's still orange in #51 and no green at all in 52-54. And I'd ask that the emblem colors match the words, so for example, if the first character in 54 is silver, than the first word, Clutch, correspond in that color. Like you did in the original submission.
Love the work you've done so far. With your designs specifically, I've decided to commit to the word Clutch being Gold, Performance being Green, and Group being Silver from here on out. In entry #69, that would simply mean swapping the colors on the first two words,but not the emblem though. And can I ask you to make the emblem characters a little slimmer?
For entry #70, simply swap the colors in the acronym and the text below, but please leave the three start the color they are now.
Keep up the great work!
Other great feedback- don't know if you meant to or not, but the stars on their own almost subconsciously configure the shape of a heart. I like that.
Thanks again for the awesome feedback. I have submitted the revisions and entries with different font selections. If you have some other suggestions, I'd be happy to make revisions.
I prefer the font as ranked. As you can see, the first three submissions are similar in nature but yours are very different from them. Please don't redesign to look more like them.
I'm not asking you to make any other changes other than to submit #88 and #89 on white backgrounds please. Than I will show my associates for their options and re-rank all the logos before the deadline.
I just wanted to inform you that I have narrowed my choices to 2 finalists (as currently ranked) but wanted to make sure I thanked you personally for your work on this logo.
Your final submission was very good, however, my associates and I were of like mind that your logo felt better suited for a non-profit organization (i.e. Big Brothers Big Sisters) rather than a for profit agency. As you know I liked the stars forming a heart shape and the overall look was much different from the other top 4 finalists.
I wish you luck in the future. You are very talented.