This is really interesting. Could you please present what it would look like in a black and white version? As well can you play with the layout of the typography some more? And lastly...would love to see what else you can come up with icon wise.
Sorry a few more comments just to help you wrap something up in a flash...
1. Can you please make the the slogan more readable? (keep the .com as it is because we like it more muted) 2. Can you please take the light bulb out of the bag and change it with a smiley face like the one that is in the logo that is ranked number 1 right now (doesn't have to look exactly like that smiley face just want to give you a form of reference)? 3. Can you play with the placement of the icon as right now it is making our name appear quite long (we would like to make it look like it smaller than it actually is)
Thanks again and we can't wait to see what you come back with!
here are some new looks based upon your feedback... I pulled the yellow/blue from your interface... I adjusted the kerning on the type as well, increased the size of the tagline as well to make it a little more prominent... just let me know if you'd like to see any further revisions from here ;)