I so wish I had an idea about what to put inside the circle. The new little dude is really cute....but he might be just a bit too silly. I don't know what to do. I really want to flesh out this concept with you as I think it has #1 potential
When the contest is over and is in "judging mode" , the #1 entry is allowed to continue to make changes. You are not obligated to pick me after the changes are made. It just gives me more time.
I'm actually at my home computer tonight and don't have many resources here. I could go into work tomorrow and submit some other ideas. Again, only the one ranked #1 can submit designs & you are not obligated to choose me in the end.
whew!!! I really want to continue with this logo.....i just keep coming back to it.....i really love the direction....we just need to figure out what to put in the center....
I'm SO not creative....but I'm glad to know I have more time as maybe it will come to one of us!
AWESOME! Let me know what time you can work on it and I'll move you into the #1 spot. I would like to see something other than the baby face in the circle....like I said.....i wish I knew WHAT i wanted to see. ;) But I 'll leave that up to you.
ok...the more i stare at this, the more I "get it". The face in the center has significance as it refelects my tagline. I have had this company for 8+ years.....so I'm not as in tune with the little stuff as I used to be. So with that said, by replacing the face with something different, do we lose the meaning?