I can work on it some more if you want. If you want to extend the deadline that's one option, or if you put my design in the #1 spot I can still submit revisions after time runs out, but before you officially select a winner. I can try and get something posted in the next hour, but can't guarantee it.
I think that either one gives you a professional, caring image that's not too cartoony. You have a high-tech business that requires you to build confidence with your customer. I'm not sure the cartoony images do that.
Which image did you prefer and what kinds of alterations did you want to see?
I agree. Just wanted to get you something before the contest was over. I understand the desire for whimsy, but I think with this logo it's better when the type has a playful feel and the logo is more straight.
I really like #172 - 174. I think I'll leave it at that. If you need any revisions all you have to do it put any of my designs in the #1 spot and I can submit color revisions or anything else. Same for any other designer. You don't have to pick your final logo tonight. Good luck!
i would like to thank you for your work on this project. You are not only very talented, but a consummate professional. I hope we have a chance to work together in the future. In the mean time, I wish you much success with your endeavors.