Hi! Thanks for your submission. I love that you went for something playful. Playful, whimsical and fun are exactly what i am looking for in our new logo.
Maybe I am jaded because we have created 150+ logos for companies in this industry, but I have yet to find a hand drawn embryo/fetus that didn't look freaky. This is not a reflection of you.....and I am not being critical of you....it's just that i have seen lots of them over the years, and they just don't look good. I would rather it look like a baby than an embryo.....does that make sense?
I would love to see some other ideas from you as I think you are undertsanding what it is that i am looking to convey.
• Rising star- cool effects, fun • DP- something compelling about the simplicity • Tristar – great imagery • One Number – good imagery, fun and colorful • Lisa Marshall – conveys feminitity
#90-91I like the logo,,,,it's a little too brightly colored with the rainbow on one and the blue on the other. Do you think you could try a different font? The C looks a little too much like a backwards D, but might not with a different font?