I really like the icon in #256 but can you change the text "clearidea" just like it is in #238?? and also change "operational" to "operations". That is my fault.
Hey! I am going to pick your logo as winner but would like to see, now that you have a little more time, to work on the "clearidea" text/font and see if you can get it to look more like the font and effects as #238 looks. It's almost there, but #238 is a little more 3-d and more crisp. I do like the font in #238 better, so if you can find that one, that would make me happy!
Also, maybe lighten the 2 black squares to where they are a little closer in color to the grey color in "clear".
what is the difference between #318,319 & 321? I'm going to go with that design. love them! Question, Is the square design centered between the r and i, but not centered between all 9 letters? Or is it just me?? lol
Can you also take one of those and make it horizontal with the logo to the left of the text for a second version like you did in #255?
thanks lisaconsulting, there was no significant difference but i recommend entry #321 for the completion of the previous entry, the difference is only on the distance between the fonts
Graphic symbol of the "C" (Clear) and "I" (Idea), although it looks like "r" and i