Thanks for this. Needs to use full company name "Clean Energy Capital" I like the cleanness and simplicity of the icon. Is there a more interesting shape than a diamond, or a way to make the icon more expressive of our initials cec or renewable energy / sustainability? Thanks.
Izmild, we prefer the icon to be to the left of the text rather than over it. I like the simple design of the icon in #58, but maybe prefer the shape of the leaf in #59. We prefer the same font for “Clean Energy” with “Capital” as the contrast.
Also, in #59 icon, to integrate the idea of “energy” with your leaf design, could you try a lightening bolt in place of the white swish? In this same icon, the grey arrows are a little distracting and reduce the integration of the icon with the text, which is important to us. I look at your portfolio logos for High Point, HMI, and Easy Green as achieving very strong integration of the icon with the text. Thanks!