Thanks for this. Lot's of good ideas. I think the white background is generally better for us. I like the #21 icon and the #14 icon because they incorporate the cec into the design. This makes them look more "custom". The #22 design is very clean but looks more like we grabbed a generic four-leaf clover icon and paired it with our name. We're ideally seeking a powerful integration of the cec with the icon design.
On #11, would it work to lighten up the background color on the icon so it's not so strong an element? Maybe no background color at all? Maybe a different color for the cec? Don't know if the star is needed. Love to see some variations on this. Thanks.
Could you show variations on #80? Specifically, the balance between the icon and the lettering seems too much weight on the icon. I look at your Silicon Valley Finance Group design as having better balance. Please also explore how to integrate the text with the icon. Finally, would it work to have the sun actually be the "e" in the "cec"? Thanks!
Regarding entry #102, 1. We like the leaf and balance 2. Could we see some variations on the font for the text? 3. Also we prefer "investment banking" with initial caps