But the semi-circle was part of my original specification. It wasn't their idea it was mine! Here is my original specification:
star, semi-circle or something else giving the feeling of radiance & insight
words: Clarity in Yoga - I have no idea how to elegantly integrate the name of our website with this logo!
This is pretty wonderful. We've moved it to 1st place. Could we see this same one with a little bit of an "s" curve in the tips of the petals - not pointy like a cactus - but a graceful, fluid curve. At least the 3 center petals should roughly point upwards to be uplifting.
I'm afraid the star is too 'defined'. what we liked about 212, 184 & 186 was the 'fuzziness' of the area around the star. But i guess that only works against a dark background.
My wife doesn't like the gold color in the font. We like your bold colors - they stand out and we are considering moving your design to first place because of it but we want to see a couple of things first. 1) Can you make this exact design without the star. 2a) Can you put the star like in 209 but even lower so the center of the star is near/at the intersection of the bottom petals.
2b) can you do 2a but make the white circle around the star a white fuzzy gradient like you did in 186 & 184
Except for the gold circles we like #183 better than all these because the darker, bolder colors stand out more. Can you make #183 without the gold circles? Can you also make it with some other design element to replace the gold circles like star or something else appropriate to yoga? The gradient is nice. This implementation of the star my wife doesn't like. We liked your earlier implementation at the base of the dark lotuses.
Except for the gold circles we like #183 better than all these because the darker, bolder colors stand out more. Can you make #183 without the gold circles? Can you also make it with some other design element to replace the gold circles like star or something else appropriate to yoga? same comment about star.
Except for the gold circles we like #183 better than all these because the darker, bolder colors stand out more. Can you make #183 without the gold circles? Can you also make it with some other design element to replace the gold circles like star or something else appropriate to yoga? The star and these two alternating colors are not as attractive to us.
Except for the gold circles we like #183 better than all these because the darker, bolder colors stand out more. Can you make #183 without the gold circles? Can you also make it with some other design element to replace the gold circles like star or something else appropriate to yoga?
Except for the gold circles we like #183 better than all these because the darker, bolder colors stand out more. Can you make #183 without the gold circles? Can you also make it with some other design element to replace the gold circles like star or something else appropriate to yoga?
Except for the gold circles we like #183 better than all these because the darker, bolder colors stand out more. Can you make #183 without the gold circles? Can you also make it with some other design element to replace the gold circles like star or something else appropriate to yoga?
Except for the gold circles we like #183 better than all these because the darker, bolder colors stand out more. Can you make #183 without the gold circles? Can you also make it with some other design element to replace the gold circles like star or something else appropriate to yoga?
The design is a bit top heavy with the almost solid deep red though we understand that to get the starburst effect that might be necessary. Overall we like the open petaled lotus better than this one though the starburst in this one is very refined and we do resonate with the way you translated that idea into a graphic. You are talented. Same comments on font. Perhaps you can do another version that addresses our suggestions?
We like the strongwomen, clear design. The lotus with strong color and gradient with variable thickness to the stroke. Font is pretty good too: open, slight serif on the "C" legible, clean. We also like the gradient in the "in yoga". You surprised us. This isn't what we were going for but it is a really strong, clear design. :-) The one thing we could do without is the golden yen/yang circles in the lotus. could we see this design without those and also with something else in there? It does add something so we see why you put it there - it just isn't a symbol that resonates with us. Again, great overall design.
I like the star idea. Not sure about the concentric circles to express radiation - perhaps they are too distinct. Same font comments as other logo. Different shape of petals with 's' shaped tips generally facing up.
My wife is not here now but i like the open petals with the varying line thickness. Also like the larger size font for the word clarity as we want to emphasize this. Font is clear, open, simple and thin- all qualities we are looking for. It is a bit rigid though. We would like very slightly add a little beauty, personality, expressiveness to the font by for instance having slightly curvey arms on the letter "Y" and/or a slightly varying line thickness for example slightly thicker in the middle of the letter "C" than at the tips and/or a very subtle serif. Just something to give a little flow and elegance to the font without loosing the basic clarity, openness and legibility.
Comment Activity
you have lots of great designs to chose from
First thing in the morning
Thank you
star, semi-circle or something else giving the feeling of radiance & insight
words: Clarity in Yoga - I have no idea how to elegantly integrate the name of our website with this logo!
Can not copy someone’s design
thank you
Ok, the Aum and the Sun/moon together are too much.
2b) can you do 2a but make the white circle around the star a white fuzzy gradient like you did in 186 & 184
please review
and thank you for your guidance