There are several nice elements to like about what you did here: The font is very legible and the orange color ties in well with the interior of the lotus. The white star on the inside does convey illumination so from within which is great for the symbology. The shadow under the lotus gives it a light/3D feeling. I like the transparency of the petals where they get darker when placed over each other and you can partially see the orange core through the petals. I do like the little bit of fuzziness around the circle like looking at the sun - it isn't completely defined as a perfect sphere when you look at it. Things that could be improved would be the rays of the star seem a bit too thin. Perhaps they could be a little wider at the base and narrow towards the tip. The font could be just a tiny bit more bendy or have just a tiny bit of serif e.g. the arms of the "Y" could have a slight curve to them. The thickness of the "C" could vary a little so slightly wider in the center and narrower towards the tips. There could be a very slight serif to lead the eye. We're not talking much here - just enough to break the rigidity of a helvetica kind of look.
In general we are not looking for a realistic representation of the human body - it is too overdone in yoga logos. Font is too light to be immediately legible.
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