Hi Datch, Very good designs. Really like the new ones with teh Key in teh Q. However the logo may be alittle complicated. Although I like it, I have to see if my partner will agree as it bay be difficult to fax and print. But I do like it. see if it can be simplified a bit. Well done!!
Hi, Softclaws, many thanks for the feedback regarding my designs, it is much appreciated and gives me a chance to tweak to you and your partners requirements.
When you say "the logo may be a little complicated" I assume you are referencing the combined C&Q with city scape in the middle on entry #66?(rather than the key shaped Q in the word QUAYS). If this is the case, It can be simplified without gradients, as they never show up well on faxes. As with myself and most other entrants it is worth considering that it is normal to supply a grayscale/black version of logos to clients for such needs as faxing and simple stationery.
I await this further clarity on your feedback and shall continue to knock out some fresh ideas and variations on the existing.
Hi Daitch, Thanks for your response, Your right; I like the Key shaped Q however it is the cityscape that could be an minor issue, when faxing but I can see it looking stunning on the side of a car. would you be able to show me how it would look with the text running parallel to the logo, as this may be how it will displayed on a car.
also try some deigns with the gradiant, it will look great on the site but Im just thinking how it will look in solid colour. Also can you try doing #66 with out the wings on either side or make it a straight line.
Just to update you, I have posted another 6 entries encompassing all the suggestions made in our previous communication. There are variants without wings/gradients, logo with text to side and a darker blue version to balance out the contrast loss between the black and blue gradient. In my opinion I prefer the solid colour versions to the gradiented ones, for print they always give a better result and less complications with printers. I feel that if a design (not just mine) is good enough it shouldn't need highlights, fades, gradients etc. Simplicity always seems to be the quay (pardon the pun) although some special effects can look great they are not always practical across all applications. I shall let you take a look and make up your mind for yourself.
Hi Daitch, very nice work indead, I agree with you totally The 3d designs look great online and it may come acroos to flashy or worse american lol. I like #77 it looks really cool, and it allows me to use the emblem next to the logo. Which one is your favourite?
Also can show me #76 again but this time removing a section of the Pink so as to make it look more like a C. Its just so I can see what it looks like - please feel free to express your thoughts.
also what do you think of the current colour scheme? would you opt of a darker blue? Baring in mind it will be on a our first company car, a silver honda civic.
please try one with the blue Q tip (that sticks past the outter pink circle) removed so it becomes a comple circle. Its jsut an idea, let me know what u think?
Hi Peter, posted entry #80 which has the pink section 'chopped' to enhance the letter form of the C. I don't think this version has too much of a detrimental effect to the design.
I like your comment about 'american design'. I have long had a personal distaste for most american graphic design although there are a few exceptions (but most of those trained in the UK). They have their own, shall we say, distinct style.
If the Logo was for myself I would probably choose the darker blue version. I think it shifts the balance from the feminine to the masculine a little and it enhances the cityscape cutout in the middle. As for the orientation of the logo, it is usual for me to supply the logo in all orientations. So to say, you would receive a side text version (for use on cars and letterheads etc), an undertexted version (for billboards, sale/rental signs). You would have versions that will cover all your required applications of the logo.
Entry #81 posted with the Q-stroke removed for you to see. I believe it loses some of the recognition as the letter Q at the river in the cityscape was formed to join up with and enhance the stroke. Personally I prefer it with the tip/stroke.
Hi Daitch, Thanks for the new designs. I do agree with you the timp should remain, however can you try a design where the tip doesnt protrude past the out the outter pink circle - so that there is still a tip but contained within the circle. basically #76 but slicing of the tip, leaving two circles but it still looking like a Q.
Also my partner is unsure about teh view inside, can you design one without teh view, and perhaps use a Key hole cut out at an angle that would suggest a Q tip. see: http://www.keatons.com/ just an suggestion.
Regarding your earlier request please find entries numbered 91 through to 95. These should help answer you and your partners latest queries. They have all been based upon #76 but can be applied to the other colour and orientation variants.
For the keyhole idea I have created a couple of weight versions to try and enhance the balance of the keyhole without losing the C & Q letterform recognition. These are trickier to balance out without losing the identity of the original concept and also to keep it in balance with the supporting company name/key device.
In general I do like the simplicity and clarity of the logo without the cityscape. Sometimes design can be about taking a concept and stripping it back rather than building it up. Once again I found your comments helpful and it is always constructive to know what a prospective cient is thinking. Communication both ways is what the design process is all about to ensure the designer knows what is required and that the client gets what they want at the end of the day.
Anything else, please just drop me another message and I shall do what I can to oblige (Xmas Pending).
I have entered #107 to reflect my design with the full keyhole cutout just to complete the full complement of variations for this (although even more may follow).
Great work Cristian, I love the new key / city / logo design. its veryy clever, looks like a key and also a city. Were would you use such a design? on the website, or letter head?
can you do #107 with a smaller white hole so that it looks more like a key hole, the coloured lines look a little thin too.
The new 'Full Key' design would work pretty well across most applications. In particular I think it would work well for advertising and rental/sale/sold signs. It should work quite well on stationery but for the website I would still go with the orientation of #77 (your rank 1st). I have tweaked the waves a bit on version #114 to make them flow more fluidly. I also think it would translate well to your idea of RoomQuays by simply replacing the 'City' text with 'Room', retaining the wordplay and maybe adjusting the colour scheme thus creating a sub-brand in line with the parent company.
Also see entry #115 as per your request of #107 variant with thicker line weight and smaller hole to enhance the keyhole image.