Thanks. Fits our description, but it now looks like there are two "c"'s. (one within the flame, the other in dark blue as part of the text). Could you make two more versions of #276, as follows?
(1) Bring the white dot inside "c" back, keeping all else the same.
(2) Make the changes below (all within the same submission):
- Drop the letter "c" from the text
- Keep the image of the burning "c" close to the text
- Match the color of the "c" in the flame to the color of the dark blue text next to it (so the text doesn't read as "itus data")
- Alternate the tone of the flame as you see appropriate so the "c" within it is still visible
Also, an idea: Maybe we can use a brighter blue for the inner shade of the flame so as to make it burn brighter? (please feel free to experiment with this or ignore it as you see fit). At the end of the day, we feel the entire logo (including the shade(s) of the flame and the following text) should not contain more than three colors for simplicity.