This is extremely interesting for a logo. Here is the main reason why- I am the Director of Cinematography and there are a ton of things I could do to animate this logo with a light bulb concept. Could you try a couple of things for me?
I am looking for a lightbulb idea like you have with perhaps no ball? Could you try a couple of different examples? Also - could you have Cinematic on the top line and Motion Pictures on the bottom line. I am looking for a nice elegant font, similar to some of the other fonts that I have selected as top choices.
I am looking for this logo to be similar to the way you have it, however, I would need some "printable" versions as well. Versions that could go on clothing and other type of print work - along with the version you have here which could be used for video.
Thank you for building this - you have my mind intrigued!
Hello Cinematic, thank you so much for the great feedback.
The ball in the #106 is actually the head of the abstract human. Yes that is an abstract human. The idea is the human made of film embraces and expresses the idea (bulb).
I made two updated versions: Flat - #128 (for printing purposes) 3D - #127 (for animating purposes, business cards, websites, etc.)
2 more new concepts: #129 - biker with film reels as wheels mean "on the go ideas" #130 - film reel as light bulb
Okay - Can you try a couple of just the lightbulb and the film strip? The reason I am thinking this is so I can animate it later. I have a feeling I can really do something interesting with this.