Christ in the Garbage MinistriesLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Christ in the Garbage Ministries

Christ in the Garbage Ministries has selected their winning logo design.

For $250 they received 37 designs from 15 different designers from around the world.
Prefers others.
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Logo Designer
When I was reading about the "divers" and thinking about your ministry, this image of a hand picking up a cross, rather than trash came to my mind, so I made a couple variations in font to go with it. I like to design my logos in one color, so that no matter what the application, it is ready to go. You can always add colors or drop shadows or backgrounds, etc.

(This comment references Entry #4)
16 years ago
Logo Designer
Here is a two color version using your Mustard Seed Communities Green and Mustard.

(This comment references Entry #11)
16 years ago
I really like yours - I was wondering what it might look to have a "wound" in the hand to represent the nail from the cross so that it portrays Jesus' hand picking up the cross?
Just a thought

Also one of our tagline thoughts was "Community and Hope - emerging in unlikely places"
16 years ago
Another thought - COuld you make the words a bit easier to read (From Despair to Hope ~ From Stranger to Family)?
16 years ago
Logo Designer
I changed the font on the tag line so that it is easier to read. I did not add the nail mark for a couple of reasons.

1. My original idea was of Dominican person searching through the trash, looking for something they can use or sell. And they find Christ (the cross as the symbol) while searching due to your efforts in these countries. So the hand was not Jesus', but that of a "diver".

2. Due to the style of the drawing I did, it is a one color design and it is hard to translate a nail mark without different colors and especially without shading or something. I tried it out anyway, just to see, but it didn't look right.

If you have any other suggestions or comments, just let me know and I will work on them.

(This comment references Entry #23)
16 years ago
Got it
That makes sense
16 years ago
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