Chippewa LodgeLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Chippewa Lodge

Chippewa Lodge has selected their winning logo design.

For $375 they received 92 designs from 12 different designers from around the world.
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Could you make the lake solid instead of dots? At the end of the line change the arrow to a fishing lure
13 years ago
nothing has changed
13 years ago
I'll ask again could you make the lake solid instead of dots and change the arrow to a fishing lure?
13 years ago
Logo Designer
i'm sorry
i was just online right now
I will send

sorry...and thanks
13 years ago
I like #68
could you put a small cabin between the trees? And a small boat pulling a water skier in the water?
that would be perfect if you can fit it in
13 years ago
Can you make the lake look more like a lake, Blue?? Make the color in the lettering darker and the greens darker. Drop the minnesota make the cabin smaller and darker And on the swoosh below chippewa add Your Family's Resort
13 years ago
Could we make the circle the shape of the lake? not all of the lake shape needs to be used
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I will do it at soon as possible

13 years ago
Would you use a bright forest green on all greens
Use the colors on #43 for cippewa lodge, no green lodge
Change the color of the lake to a medium blue
I can't tell that it's a boat in the scene so remove it
13 years ago
Can I see one without the lake my friends seem to feel that it woud look better since most people don't know the shape of the lake
13 years ago
Would you use a bright forest green on all greens i don't like the green you are using
I would like to see the lake shape blue
13 years ago
Your getting close
Would you make all the green a little darker
I would like to see the lake shape blue I might not like it but I would like to see it
13 years ago
I think you might be confused about the lake shape that I want blue. It's the shape in the upper left above chippewa that you have a tan color. I would also like to see the word lodge the same color as chippewa and the greens in the design darker yet
13 years ago
I think you might be confused about the lake shape that I want blue. It's the shape in the upper left above chippewa that you have a tan color
You added trees in the back of the scene take then out I like the look of water extending to the horizon
13 years ago

I think you might be confused about the lake shape that I want blue. It's the shape in the upper left above chippewa that you have a tan color
You added trees in the back of the scene take then out I like the look of water extending to the horizon


13 years ago
You added trees in the back of the scene take then out I like the look of water extending to the horizon

I would like to see the lake shape blue I might not like it but I would like to see it
13 years ago
I give up
Make the word lodge the same color as chippewa in #89
13 years ago
Logo Designer
hi jim....
forgive me if
I have not been able to equalize your idea in the picture.
My English not so good.

best regards
13 years ago
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