Dear Montoshlall....Regarding Entry #26, which is our preference, can you help us by making the "AVIATION BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT TEAM" line more readable? The problem might be remedied by increasing all type sizes. Alternatively, or additionally, could you lengthen name of the company with a different font and use bold type or do something else to make this lower line more readable? Any thoughts you have will be appreciated. Thank you. Skip
Dear Montoshlall....We like your entry #26 very much. The red globe is very nice. On the blue globe, please remove the large star and change that area to simulate the star pattern in the American flag. Your help will be appreciated. Thanks, Skip
Hi Montoshlall.....We are back to seeing if you can eliminate the big star on the blue globe and add no more than five stars of the same size of the stars in Entry #26. It would be fine, we believe, to keep the star field below the wing tip. We appreciate your help very much. Thanks, Skip
Hi Montoshlall....Thanks for all your variations. For now, we will keep #26 as our favorite of your group. We appreciate all your creative thoughts. Thanks, Skip