Thanks for your variations. They are very helpful. Your work is excellent. On Entry #41, what do you think about running a blue line from the base of the tail across the bottom? Skip
Dear Enzyme., Entry #52 is very effective. It has many great qualities. Aesthetically, it comes together nicely. We have one remaining objective, however, and would like you to experiment if you are willing to do so. If possible, we would like to make "AVIATION BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT TEAM" tag line more noticeable. Entry #52 is balanced perfectly of course. Please look, however, at the possibility of beginning this "AVIATION BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT TEAM" tag line under the tail, and extending it as larger type across the entire bottom of the logo. While attempting to address this request, please consider any of three possibilities - (1) tag line across the bottom in a reverse as an extension of the tail, (2) tag line across the bottom in a box as an extension of the tail, or (3) Tag line across the bottom in type alone. We do not want to ruin your good work, and realize that it may be a challenge to deal with this final request. We will appreciate your thoughts, however. Thank you very much for anything you might be able to do. Skip
Thanks so much again for your feedback really helps a lot to improved my design. Here's another variation playing with the tagline. #61,#62,#63,#64,#65.
Dear Enzyme....Your last-minute update is appreciated. Either #69 or #62 could be our final choice. We are just figuring you how the system works, and thank you very much for your creative work. Skip
Dear Enzyme....You have done outstanding, creative work, and have been responsive to our requests. We appreciate all your assistance, and will be honored to select your Entry #69 as the logo for China-USA, LLC. We are not familiar with all the steps, and will follow Logo Tournament's instructions. Before we move technically from this judging phase, which is compete from our standpoint, we will appreciate your help in placing a box with rounded corners around Entry #69. Simply, we would like to have this as an option in certain situations. Congratulations....and thank you for all your help. Skip
Hi Enzyme....#78. #79, and #80 are very nice additions. Thank you very much. We will move the next step, which is the selection of #69 as our choice. Thanks for everything. Skip