#20 you nailed it! However i'm fine with the ASSIST font, but the China font need's work. I don't like that font. But you have created something i like, and shown it doesnt have to have an australian flag, just an image someone will remember. I really hope the other designers take note not to copy but to try different thing's.
For all designer's take note....
Let me suggest some more......a creative font for the word CHINA
An image potential clients will remember and associate with the company. As i explained in the brief, this could be mainly things to do with China such as, LUCKY BAMBOO, DRAGON'S, JADE, RED, Another idea i though of was a lucky fat buda with his neck chain beads and his big earlopes, standing under and holding up the word ASSIST, and leaning on it or whatever. I may not like it, but i havent seen it, so i'm just trying to encourage some inspiration, give some idea's to see more variations of designs, not just australian flags.