Wanted to portray a friendly, modern and stylised character to represent the brand. Used flat colour to strengthen design and make it "pop" as well as for easier production.
Wanted to create a friendly, modern and stylised character to carry the brand. USed flat colour to make the brand "pop" as well as for production purposes later. Chicken house design element creates a sense of warmth.
Wanted to create a friendly, modern and stylised character to carry the brand. Used flat colour to make the brand "pop" as well as for production purposes later. A more stylised version.
Wanted to create a friendly, modern and stylised character to carry the brand. USed flat colour to make the brand "pop" as well as for production purposes later. Added blue iris in eyes and shading in character as well as in text if client is looking for more colour in design.
Wanted to create a friendly, modern and stylised character to carry the brand. USed flat colour to make the brand "pop" as well as for production purposes later. Added blue iris in eyes and shading in character as well as in text if client is looking for more colour in design.
Wanted to create a friendly, modern and stylised character to carry the brand. USed flat colour to make the brand "pop" as well as for production purposes later. Added blue iris in eyes and shading in character as well as in text if client is looking for more colour in design.