Chicago Photo SafarisLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Chicago Photo Safaris

Chicago Photo Safaris has selected their winning logo design.

For $300 they received 211 designs from 12 different designers from around the world.
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Logo Designer
The Os and T in 'Photo' forms an abstract binocular

(This comment references Entry #5)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
In this one, the Os also suggesting a telephoto lens (commonly used in wildlife photography)

(This comment references Entry #6)
13 years ago
What we like: Khaki and green for safari idea, bringing together photography and safari idea through lens & binoculars (very creative!), size of Chicago to Photo Safaris, simplistic design on #6 over #5.

What we didn't like: Color of Chicago (maybe black, maroon, gray or green?), font seems a little bubbly for what we're looking for (do we need to move any of our sliders to convey this more clearly?).

One of our judges (there are 3 of us) does not like the binocular idea and asked a couple of questions:
(1) could we create a similar image with only 1 lens (last O from #6) and make it the same size font as the rest of the word?
(2) What would it look like if the lens flare (black line at top) went all the way around the lens to make it look more like a filter?

Thanks for a great submission!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the valuable feedback. Will submit the revisions soon

Regarding the font, you might post a comment on the Contest Discussion section or update the brief
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hope this font is much better

(This comment references Entry #8)
13 years ago
What we like (22): We really like the direction you're taking with this! You're the first to introduce a serif font, which as you probably saw from our additional comment, we're not opposed to. Adding the leaves and the serif definitely takes us back in time. Of all of your submissions, we like this the best because of scale, and bringing the idea of photography to the forefront with a throwback to the traditional safari idea by usage of the leaves and serif font.

What we don't like (22): The leaves. We understand why you used them (as outlined in what we like), but we're not sure they support the three main ideas we're trying to convey: photography, adventure / fun, education.

Again, this is our favorite of yours so far!! Thanks for continuing to submit!

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks. I came up with the serif font after visiting you website ^_^.
Here is another one. I had this idea yesterday but since one of you didn't like the binoculars idea, i didn't submit it.

(This comment references Entry #25)
13 years ago
Well, we are looking to rebrand, so we aren't tied to the serif font. We understand sans serif is much more modern and tied to photography, which we like, and the serif font is older, more traditional, which could work with the safari theme. Either one could be fine, as long as it fits with the logo design. Thanks!
13 years ago
Your entry 22 has been very popular with people. It seems like people either love it (people who like it REALLY like it) or don't like it at all. (It's always good to stand out, right? :) ) We think it's the leaves that turn off the people who don't like it. Do you have any ideas on changes to this that keeps the same feel but uses something other than leaves? Or any other ideas in this vein (that could be completely different)? Thanks again for your submissions!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Safari route map. Start from the shutter release button (adventures are only a click away)

(This comment references Entry #63)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
paw print

(This comment references Entry #64)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
zebra's stripes

(This comment references Entry #65)
13 years ago
Could you submit some additional logos with the following feedback (based on your 22 and 65 logos):
-Submit 1 with a solid color on camera instead of the pattern
-On the zebra print one, could you make the entire image black (remove the red and khaki)?
13 years ago
Very creative!!

Would it be possible to submit a couple more using the following comments:
-#79 Could we see this with the "Chicago" in the same font as "Safaris"?
-#79 Could we see this one with the final "O" in "PHOTO" the same size as the rest of the word?
-#77 Can we see this with the O not filled in?
-#80 Could we see this with a plain, white background?
-#75 Would it be possible to increase the camera size, keep "Chicago" black, and put "Photo" and "Safaris" on one line, in the background color of #80?

Thanks again for your submissions! We love your ideas!!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks! Here are the changes

(This comment references Entry #125)
13 years ago
Awesome work, nong! We are getting closer. The other 2 judges are not able to meet with me until later tonight, so I wanted to give you some initial feedback now and then we can add their thoughts, if they have any others, later.

#126: Could you use the font of "Chicago" from #79 for all words on this one? Also, can you make the "Photo" less bold? Could you also align all 3 words on the left and keep the "Safaris" ending next to the arrow created from the camera (which may cause you to spread the letters more or less depending on the line)?

#137: Could you create another version of this using the font of "Chicago" from #79 for all words? Also, could you remove the fill in the O of "Photo"?

Thanks so much... we love your ideas!!!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
My pleasure.
Here it is. Hope i didn't get it wrong ^_^

(This comment references Entry #139)
13 years ago
Thanks, Nong! Could you make a couple more changes as outlined below:

#142: Place on plain, white background

-Place center dot/marker in center of "O" in "Chicago" as you did in #79
-Can you make a couple of additional ones just like this, but with different sans serif fonts? We really like this, but feel the font is just a LITTLE off, but can't really identify what it is about it that puts us off. Perhaps the points in the As and Rs? Or the small width of the P compared to the large width of the Os? We're not certain, but we're wondering if we could see a couple more options?

Thanks so much, again!!!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
#142 on white background

(This comment references Entry #152)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
another font option for #139

(This comment references Entry #154)
13 years ago
Thanks, Nong! Can you make the dot in the center of the "O" of Chicago the same green as the word "Chicago"? Also, can you submit a couple using the following fonts (I know I've downloaded some free fonts so these may not be standard, but we like these so they may give you ideas):
-GeoSans (is that the original font)?

We know it's difficult to find just the right font, because the Os need to be circles for the spot in the center. We could always replace the Os with actual circles, however, if needed. The new one you submitted is different, but the P looks a little wide at the top now. (I know, I'm picky.) :)

Thanks again for the designs!!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
the problem is the O

(This comment references Entry #163)
13 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #165)
13 years ago
Logo Designer

(This comment references Entry #167)
13 years ago
Thank you for the submissions, nong! We will be meeting to determine which font we like the best, but initial feedback is we like the bolder ones so if it is possible to make some of the newer ones (with lighter fonts) a little bolder, that would be great! Also, I was playing around with your design and liked a couple of alterations including:
1) Rotating the entire logo counterclockwise about 30 degrees (what do you think about that?)
2) I replaced the "Photo Safaris" with font 4990810, a free font I found online that is a rougher looking font. The Os are not completely round, so I typed "Phot" and left the O you had for the lens but otherwise, thought the effect was interesting (what do you think about that?)

We really like the movement and reference to photography with your images! We're now trying to imagine our finalists on letterhead, embroidered, on our new website, etc. to choose our favorite. I just wanted to share our thoughts at this point in time in case it inspired any other ideas / tweaks. Thanks again for your submissions!!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Nice idea to rotating the logo.
In my opinion, this would be better if the 'route-camera' is bigger than this one but am afraid it won't work with the O - lens.
If i look at this one, i see an 'intentionally rotated' logo from its original (horizontal or vertical) orientation. What do you think?

(This comment references Entry #184)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
actually the rough look fonts was the first thing i consider when started designing your logo, but in my opinion it doesn't convey enough 'education'. Besides, it won't works well on embroidery.

(This comment references Entry #185)
13 years ago
Good point, nong, on the education and embroidery thinking. We have been looking over these options and wonder if you can create 1 more? We really like your design but it doesn't seem as clean/modern/classy as some of the others so I messed around in Photoshop changing some things around and we're wondering if you can submit one similar to my messing around.

Basically, I used only the font Adobe Garamond Pro, removed the dot in the center of the O of "Chicago", and decreased the thickness of the line forming the camera. What do you think about that? The draft version I made seemed a little more classy to us.

We really want to thank you again for the time and effort you've put forth for us. We really enjoy working with you and REALLY appreciate your attention to detail and quick response time!! Thanks!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
I agree! Look more classy and still fun. I think with this font and without the dot in Chicago's 'O', the Os don't have to be 'perfect', just let the brain to make it a perfect circle ^_^

(This comment references Entry #196)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
another font

(This comment references Entry #197)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
another options.
Are you happy with the colors?

(This comment references Entry #198)
13 years ago
Hello, Nong! We still really like your design. We have determined that #169 is our favorite, with the P closed and "Chicago" a little more spread out (same font and size, but more space between letters). Changing "Chicago" will also cause the corner of the camera intersecting with the word "Chicago" to be less wide. The top line of the camera will not change at all, but the side will move in so the entire width of the camera will be shorter. Please let us know if this doesn't make sense!

Another big issue I've been trying to creatively resolve is that we're getting feedback that products associated with this logo are considered to be budget or cheaper prices. We need the logo to evoke a more expensive feel. I don't have the Photoshop or Illustrator skills to test out the ideas in my head so I'm going to run some by you using the best explanation I can. If you have ideas on increasing the expensive feel of this logo, we would love to see them! Can you think of a way to change the line that forms the camera to be more modern or expensive looking? Maybe if the line changed in thickness (like the underline in #181) or if the line was more flowing - less starts and stops to curves of camera into more of 1 line flowing with slight curves? I don't even know if this is possible, but I think that may give it more of an expensive feel. (And this might change our font choice.) I can definitely mess around with fonts to let you know exactly what our final choice will be, but we really need to figure out how to get the camera portion looking more elegant / expensive / modern. Does that make sense? That's our only sticking point right now with yours. But again, we LOVE the creativity in it!!

Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this! Thank you so much, again!!
13 years ago
Nong, two more things...

1) Do you think we could do something with the "GO" in "Chicago" that might add to it? If not, no worries; just an idea.

2) One of our judges asked me to send the following 2 questions to our finalists so we understand the flexibility of the designer once the award has been given out:
- If you design is selected, are you willing to make changes we request for the final image and provide color and black and white images?
- If we would like to work more with you in the future with this or other new images, how would you determine the charge(s)?

Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Hi Jomyke, i think this handwritten Chicago conveys education and elegance.
What do you think?

(This comment references Entry #203)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
compact camera

(This comment references Entry #204)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
jomyke said:
- If you design is selected, are you willing to make changes we request for the final image and provide color and black and white images?
- If we would like to work more with you in the future with this or other new images, how would you determine the charge(s)?

Sorry, but we can discuss about this after the contest complete. (Please see below the guidelines for posting ^_^)
I always send the Contest Holders the winning logo in color, grayscale, and black/white.
And they can always contact me after the contest, even if I weren't the winner ^_^
13 years ago
Nong, congratulations, you are the winner! Your recent submissions have definitely gone towards the more modern and sophisticated look (love the new camera lines) and we really appreciate your attention to detail in what we've asked of you and your quick turnaround time! There are still some minor tweaks we'd like to see in order to compare the final 4 to select the all out winner. Could you make some adjustments as outlined below?

#205: Is it possible to decrease the size "PHOTO" (just a little... I'm talking like 1 or 2 points)? Also, can the top line of the camera be moved down just a tad also? Also, can you make sure the center of the O in "Chicago", the T in "Photo" and the I in "Safaris" align vertically?

#203: Is it possible to bolden the "Chicago" and camera line a little? When we decrease the size of this image, that detail is a little lost.

#207: Can we see this one with the camera line boldened? The line is much more streamlined from the previous submissions, so we think making it more bold will be ok.

Also, we are planning to use as our website template. Just in case that inspires some ideas!
13 years ago
One more question... I have an idea of another version that I would like to email you. Do you have an email address that will accept attachments? (It's a small file.)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks, Jomyke!
I'll submit the revisions in about an hour. I just woke up ^_^

I will give you my email through private message. But since we can only send the CH a PM after the contest completed, you might send me a PM first.
Is that an idea to tweaking the current (my) design? If it is a completely different/new idea, i think it is not fair for other designers. ^_^
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Here are the changes

(This comment references Entry #209)
13 years ago
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