I like the depth you've added to #196. Is there anyway we can play with the texture of the dialog boxes, or give depth to the colors - our soften the edges or even round them?
Also - I think #198 has a LOT of potential - can we make it more dynamic and change the colors? I'm not crazy about the straight blue/orange combo - but if we made the letters different colors, that could work. What about something really bright like a deep green / magenta / and blue? Or something a bit unusual.
Alternatively, can you play with the fonts you are using for "chatterbox" in this design? I think you could keep the simplicity of this design which I like a lot - but add some more playfulness if you use a more playful font and try putting it all lowercase. A font along the lines of the "Life is Good" logo, for example.
Thinking more about #198 - right now the "box" is more prominent than the "chatter" and I think it should be reversed. What can we do to the word "chatter" to highlightit? Maybe use a more playful font for that word and a more straightforward font like you already have for "box" - I also like the use of gradated colors to give depth.
Hi again - I really love #199 like I communicated in my message. I forgot to add that I would really like to see the social media icon button version of this - like the classic facebook or pinterest square that you use on social media sites. Thanks!