#59 colours dont work well together for me. the logo element A is too 'busy' with traingle, grey traingle and edging on bottom of traingle - a little too compliacted
#64 to #68 Thanks for these - they are really very very good. the colour combinations are great. the project originally was asking for gree, and the green and black goes relly well together.
#67 not too keen personally with the jagged edge to the green part of logo - is this random design , or did you have something in mind realted to theme of charter for the jagged edge design? Just asking in case i missed something
An idea - to be tried out on #66 - could you make a small green rectangular box with a white tick mark inside it and place it above the letter E . And idea - to be tried out on #65 - could you make a small red neclosure with a white tick mark inside it and place it in the SOuth East corner of the purple circle (or slightly overlapping it (depending on what might look best). I have tried this on paper and looks ok but may not look ok in reality ! The tick mark would indiacte some sort of certification which might be appropriate for the logo.
I've received some feedback from the project partners and a couple commented the "C" in the graphic for #65, #66, and #67 being flattened and rotated reminded people of a staple for fastening papers instead of the letter C. Maybe a design without the rotation or with a rounder "C" could work.
Can you make #66 in the design of of #65 (in other words green and black, slanting C on top of text)
There are some discussions in the project team about slanting C and straight C and also whether the slanting C looks like a paper clip - however it is still a favoured design !
#200 thanks - I like this personally very much - final choice will depend on the project team consensus
However if you have any final last thoughts on being able to use the same overall design as #65 / #200 but being able to make the slanting C look less like a staple (paper clip) then please feel free to submit. This might swing it with the other team members.
We are there but not quite ! #202 and/or #205 we need more bend on the curve of the C The curve on the letter C should be like that on #201, with the amount of green showing as that on #205 and the thickness of the white letter C something of the thickness of #200 Hope that makes sense