Thanks for the designs #354 and #3555 are failrly ordinary #356 is quite an interesting idea bu the text and logo are in the wrong proportions can you have a go at correcting this ?
could you also produce a variant with the logo a fraction smaller i definitely like the slanting logo in #406 this has the potentail to be in the top designs when ranking takes place
I see that #558 looks better than #460, but with #458 we loos the 'C' effect. Not sure that that matters however it might have been an extra bonus.
Can we get #406 / #414 in the smae size as #458. The difference in size has a significant effect when viewed on screen and we would like to view both logos in the same way.
The design is great, simple, effective, colour scheme works well on web and has a subtle overall theme.
Sorry, I can't submit my revision coz when I open your feedback, your contest has been judging time. Actually, only rank 1 can submit entry. If you still interest my design, if possible you can move temporary my rank to rank 1 so I can submit your request.