Hi, this is my proposal/design for you. I hope it will fits with your thoughts/vision. I cannot visualize the document you said contains your suggestions. Anyway, I would appreciate a feedback. Thank you. Regards, Madeleine
#11. I would like to see what the hands/arms look like in white with a black outline. The charms on the wine stems need to be placed at the bottom of the wine stem. I would also like to see an example without the twinkles. I would like to see an example with the web address included.
Hi, thank you for your feedback. I revised the design and, as you can see, I uploaded few variations: with and without twinkles, with and without your website address. Regards, Madeleine
Thank you for your designs, I really like them. #15 - Can you bring in the pinky finger on the right hand to match the left hand? Is there a softer font for the tag line that you could suggest. I like where you placed the web address. Thank you
Hi, as you can see, I revised the design according to your suggestions. There are 2 new entries: #24 - is actually #15 with the pinky revised and a softer font for the tagline. #23 - has the arms longer, encompassing the tagline. I hope you'll like the new entries. Regards, Madeleine
for #25 I draw another hands, more real, less stylized, still feminine and "fluid" - although I like more the stylized hand because the design has more personality (but of course, this is just my opinion). Regards, Madeleine
I love #25. I didn't see a change in the font for the tag line. Something a little less linear and more feminine would be great.
Could you also try switching the placement of the web address and tagline? I am afraid the web address is too small where it is and will not be read easily. I think it may make sense to have it on the bottom edge anyway.
Just to see, could you try reversing the black and white of the whole logo? Meaning a black background with white glasses, hands, writing and circle around the edge, etc? Maybe in this case, the circle around the edge will need to come in a little bit to have a black rim around the edge of the logo. My packaging is white and I'm wondering if the black will pop more. Thank you!
#25 Could you also add one of the twinkles from your other examples and place it where the glasses meet to show the "clink"? Also, could you try adding a line in between the thumbs and pointer fingers to show there are more fingers to the hand in the background? Thank you
Hi, I changed the font for the tagline and also the position of it. When (in the previous feedback) you mentioned about "a softer font" I thought you are talking about a thinner font. My apologize for the mistake - english is not my first language. Back to the new entries, I draw another finger for every hand :) I reverse the colors and please pay attention because there are 2 different labels in black: with white outlined margin and with black margin. About the sparkle - although I was the first one using the sparkles, using the sparkle between the 2 glasses it wasn't my idea. It was the other designer idea and therefore I cannot use this idea. I know is use in many other designs in the world to show the "clink", IN THIS CONTEST IT WAS THE OTHER DESIGNER IDEA and according the rules on this website, I cannot use it. I hope you'll like the new entries. Have a perfect Sunday, Madeleine
#26 & #28. Great! Is there another font that isn't quite as scripty? I like this font but wonder if it is hard to read? Can you suggest another option to indicate the "clink"? Thank you!
Hi, I don't really know what kind of font you would like to have for the tagline. Do you have something in mind? Something you would want to have it for your tagline? About "easy to read" my first font options in the firsts entries were easy to read and opposite with the main title "Charm Me Too". But if you could show me some examples of fonts you like, I would know what is your direction. About the clink... I'll try to find another symbol to emphasize it. Regards, Madeleine
Hi, I do not necessarily have another suggestion for a tagline font. I like this one but I just wanted to see if you had others in mind or other options that you were playing with.
Hi there, as you can see, the last entries (#29, #30, #31, #32) have the accent on clinking with lines and every of the entries has a different font for the tagline. Also, I played with different shades of purple and green and every entry is different. Please analyze them and let me know your thoughts. Regards, Madeleine
Hi, as you can see (#33 and #34) I used your favorite purple and green from #32 on the entries having your favorite fonts for tagline. Have a perfect day, Madeleine
Hi! I think I have the final edits.... Tagline font from #34 Purple from #30 Green from #32 Can you complete the inner circle over the "Charm Me Too"? It looks fantastic- I am thrilled! Thank you!
Hi there, #35 is the design revised: it has tagline font from #34, purple from #30 green from #32 and the inner circle completed over the "Charm Me Too". I'm happy you love the design :) Regards, Madeleine
Hi, congratulations for your new logo design. I just uploaded the final files for you. Please check them and if everything is ok, please approve the files by clicking "Approve" link under My Account > My Ended contests. Thank you. I wish you all the best and good luck. Regards, Madeleine