Entry #2- my favorite so far. The interlinking of the c and m are symbolic and unique. Wonder if this is workable in b/w printing or are the both dark colors to similar to greyscale?
Love the drama of the dark black and I see now that it would reproduce well; but the grey and black add more contrast and you notice the letters more. THANK YOU! What would it look like if the m or c was in outline only and the other was the dark black? Does it destroy the integrity of the interlock idea?
#47 - cleaner, crisper - I see it. took me awhile to realize the font was different!!! LOL --- I like both fonts. The straight one is easier to see but more common. The angled M's in #2 are more interesting. I have to keep looking at it.
Ok - weird - you've probably never gotten this response before... I've been asking associates and friends to help me pick and one said she thought the middle of the M going into the C looked sexual - P into V. I hadn't seen that before. Certainly something on her mind but now my mind is going there. Do you think I'd have a problem with this? No one else has said anything and so far #2 is still the top pick amongst my associates. I wish she didn't say that to me!!! Any ideas?
I like the #55 - the flow from c to m is really nice. feels organic. # 56 (the belt buckle one) is great. C and M flow together to make a whole. I like a lot. I really appreciate you continuing with ideas. You're very talented!!! :-)